「映像人類学者Bao Jiang監督と雲南映像を観る」[第30回映像なんでも観る会](関連する学会・研究会)

日 時:3月18日(木)15:30~17:30
場 所:京都大学川端キャンパス共同棟4階セミナー室


発表者:Bao Jiang
IUAES 映像人類学理事会理事


1.Guiding Souls of the Dead to the Deities’ World, 49min. 2005
2.Granny Glory, 43min. 2009

Film 1.
Guiding Souls of the Dead to the Deities' World, one chapter of
Brother of the Nature II

by Bao Jiang, 49 min, 2005, Location:Southwest of China
Language: Naxi (in English Subtitles)

Brother of the Nature II documented a funeral in the tradition of
Do-bbaq religion of the Naxi. Generally speaking the funeral is
composed of two parts. The priests Do-bbaq deal with things
related to the dead in the first part and they deal with things
related to the living in the second part. The ritual titled Guiding
Souls of the Dead to the Deities World belongs to the first part.
The theme of the ritual is Do-bbaq offering to the deities and
getting the power from them, redeeming the soul of the dead
from the devils and guiding it to the ancestors and deities’ world.

Film 2.
Granny Glory

by Bao Jiang, 43 min, 2009, Location: North of China,
Language: Chinese (in English Subtitles)

Granny Glory is a text narrated mainly by sounds and images
rather than words. The author interpreted the belief in Granny
of Han Chinese in the border area between Hebei, Shanxi and
Henan provinces in the north of China. The film is selected in
Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival 2010.

Itsushi Kawase (Kyoto University, ASAFAS)


Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点