林隆久2008T HayashiTransgenic poplars, Plant feedstock seminar, Joint BioEnergy Institute, Emeryville, USA, 15thDecember (2008)林隆久2008招待T HayashiEnhancement of saccharification by overexpression of various endoglycanase in poplar, International Symposium on Clean Energy for the World, Ethanol Biodiesel and Nayural Gas, Ubatuba, Brasil, December 7-10, 2008 (招待講演)林隆久2008招待林隆久、馬場啓一さまざまな細胞壁分解酵素を発現する組換えポプラ、理研シンポジウム、理研横浜、2月18日(2008)(招待講演)林隆久2009招待T HayashiLoosening xyloglucan accelerates the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in wood, Nissan International Tree Biology, Tokyo, February 26, 2009 (招待講演)林隆久2009T HayashiProposed strategies and prospects for Riau biosphere reserve, Workshop on Riau biosphere researve, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, February 20, 2009井合進2008Susumu, IaiRisk management approach to seismic hazard and its application to environmental crisis, International Symposium on Sustainbility Science, Potsdam, 2008井合進2008Susumu, IaiKeynote Lecture, Bandung, Indonesia, 2008井合進2008井合進環境変動への対応、循環型社会に関する日中シンポジウム、京都、2008籠谷直人2007籠谷直人The Chinese and Indian Merchants’ Networks and Modern Japan 1890-1946僑務委員会、国際学術研討会「全球化下華僑華人問題的転変」台湾、(研究報告)。2007年5月籠谷直人2008籠谷直人香港、マカオ、「グローバル・ガバナンスの最前線」研究成果報告、香港中文大学歴史学科(研究報告)。2008年3月籠谷直人2008籠谷直人韓国、仁川、仁荷大学「東アジアにおける自由貿易原則の浸透」『2008東アジア韓国学国際学術会議および東アジア韓国学会』(研究報告)。2008年12月川井秀一2007Munawar SS, Umemura K, Tanaka F, Kawai SThe Properties of Mild Steam and Chitosan Treated Ramie and Pineapple Plant Fiber Bundles, 2007 IUFRO All Division 5 (Forest Products) Conference, Taipei, 29 October-2 川井秀一2007Umemura K, Kawai SCharacterization of chitosan-glucose film. International Symposium on Advanced Biomass Science and Technology for Bio-based Products, Beijing, China, May 23-25, 2007.川井秀一2007Kawai SDevelopment of Wood-Based Materials for Establishing the Resource-Sustainable Society, 2007.02.27 RISH/LIPI Spring School(Chibinon, Inodnesia, Lecturer)川井秀一2007Kawai SResearch Cooperation between Indonesia-Japan in Forest/Wood Science: Past, Present and Future (Key Note), 2007.08.25 The 16thIndonesian Scientific Conference in Japan (Kyoto)川井秀一2007招待Kawai SPerspective on the International Academic Collaboration of RISH (Invited), 2007.12.14 USM-RISH Joint Symposium (Penang)川井秀一2007招待Kawai SSustainable Production and Utilization of Acacia, 2007.07.25 Science for Sustainable Humanosphere 2007 (Bandung, Indonesia) (invited)川井秀一2007招待Kawai SSeeking Sustainable Society through Science and Technology, 2007.11.26, 2007.11.26 Indonesia Grobal COE Program (Invited)appendix 2-33