水野広祐2007Mizuno, Kosuke“In Search of New Direction of Development in Indonesia-Possibility of Sustainable Humanosphere Type Development in Indonesia”, in In Search of New Paradigm on Sustainable Humanosphere, Proceeding of the 1stKyoto University-LIPI-Southeast Asian 水野広祐2007Mizuno, Kosuke“Labor Unions in Indonesia after 1998: Their Origins, Organizations, and Activities”, Proceeding of CORE University Program Seminar Thammasat University and Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Co-Organized by Global COE Program "In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere" Title: Private Faces of Power and Institutions in Southeast Asia (Volume 1), Date: December 6th - 7th 2007, Royal City Hotel, Bangkok, 水野広祐2008Siti Sugiah Mugniesyah, Kosuke Mizuno“Women’s Land Contribution and Its Relation to Household Food Security Among Peasant Households, (Case in an Upkand Village in West Java),” in JSPS-DGHE Core University Program in Applied Biosciences Proceedings of the Final Seminar on: Toward Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Feb,28-29, 2008, pp. 168-182水野広祐2008水野広祐「インドネシアにおける新たな発展の方向をもとめてー民主化・地方分権化のインドネシアにおける生存基盤持続型の発展の可能性」『東アジアの視点』第19巻2号、2008年6月号、45-水野広祐2008Mizuno, Kosuke“From Colonial Studies to Sustainable Humanosphere: Japanese Studies on Rural Southeast Asia”,Asia-Pacific Forum, July 2008, 40, pp.1-20水野広祐2008水野広祐「村落行政はどうかわわったかーインドネシア的村落民主主義の再生」特集―インドネシア民主化10年―その成果と課題『アジ研 ワールド・トレンド』第154号、2008年7月、22-24水野広祐2008Michele Ford, Kosuke Mizuno ed.Special Edition on "Indonesian Labor since Suharto: Perspectives from the Region" Labor and Management in Development Jornal Vol. 9水野広祐2008Michele Ford, Kosuke Mizuno"Indonesian Labor since Suharto: Perspectives from the Region" Labor and Management in Development Journal, Vol. 9,水野広祐2008Mizuno, Kosuke"Strengths and weaknesses in Law No,2/2004 about Industrial Disputes Settlement", Labor and Management in Development Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 1-8岡本正明2008岡本正明「細分化する地域主義と中道化・均衡化する地方政治」、『アジ研ワールド・トレンド7月号』No. 154、2008年、19-21頁岡本正明2008岡本正明An Unholy Alliance: Political Thugs and Political Islam Work Together, "Inside Indonesia 93", August-October 2008岡本正明2008Okamoto Masaaki and Abdul HamidJawara in Power, 1998-2007, "Indonesia 86", October, 2008. pp.109-138.大村善治2007Y. Katoh and Y. OmuraComputer simulation of chorus wave generation in the Earth’s inner magnetospher, Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 34, L03102, doi:10.1029/2006GL028594, 2007.大村善治2007Y. Omura, N. Furuya, D. SummersRelativistic turning acceleration of resonant electrons by coherent whistler-mode waves in a dipole magnetic field, Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, A06236, 大村善治2007Y. Katoh and Y. OmuraRelativistic particle acceleration in the process of whistler-mode chorus wave generation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L13102, doi:10.1029/2007GL029758, 2007.appendix 2-5