4.プロシーディング等出版物 篠原真毅 篠原 真毅, “生存圏に宇宙は必要なのか - イノチのつながりと人と世界 –“, 京都大学東南アジア研究所G-COEワーキングペーパー, ISBN-978-4-901668-66-8, 2009 藤井千晶 Fujii, Chiaki. 2009“The Practice of Prophetic Medicine in the Tide of Islamic Revival on the East African Coast,” in Proceedings of SIAS-KIAS Joint International Workshop “Depth and Width of Islamic Culture and Society,” : 27-33. Fujii, Chiaki. 2010. “‘The Medicine of the Sunna’ on the East African Coast during the Tide of Islamic Revival,” in Proceedings of KIAS/SIAS Joint International Workshop, “Diversity in the Traditions and Reforms of Islam”: 71-77. 吉村 剛 Farah Diba and Tsuyoshi Yoshimura: Effect of oil palm vinegar on hydrogen and methane emission of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Blattodae: Rhinotermitidae). Proc. 7th Conf. Pacific Rim Termite Res. Group, Singapore, March 1-2, 42-46 (2010). Aya Yanagawa, Fumio Yoklohari, Kunio Tsunoda, Yuji Imamura and Tsuyoshi Yoshimura: Role of antennae in the detection of ambient humidity by the termite, Coptotermes formosanus. Proc. 7th Conf. Pacific Rim Termite Res. Group, Singapore, March 1-2, 170-172 (2010). 白石壮一郎 SHIRAISHI Soichiro (2009)Discourse and Social Relationships in Land Tenure Evaluation: A Claim for Land Rights in an African Agrarian Society. Kyoto Working Papers on AreaStudies, Kyoto University. 13p. 高田 明 Takada, A. (2009). Commentaries on "To see ourselves as we need to see us: Ethnography's premitive turn in the early cold war years," by Edwin N. Wilmsen. Critical African Studies, 1, 52-57. 高田 明 (2009). 赤ちゃんのエスノグラフィ:乳児及び乳児ケアに関する民族誌的研究の新機軸. 心理学評論, 52(1), 140-151. 甲山治 Osamu Kozan, 2009 “Heat, water and CO2 cycle in South East Asia” Humanosphere Science School 2009 -Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Peat Land Resources in Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau, Sumatra-, Riau University August 4-5, 6 pages, 2009 水野広祐 Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Conflict Resolutions in Post-Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia: Institutional Changes and People's Organizations” Proceeding of The First KASEAS and CSEAS Joint International Symposium, Interdependency of Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia, The Migration, Investment and Culture Flow, 19-20 June 2009, Nammyung Hall, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea, pp.113-127 (査なし) Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Towards a New Model of East Asian Economy, and Challenges to Current Global Economic Crisis”, The Crisis and Transformative Opportunities-Historical Relations and Contemporary Challenges (1), Collection of Papers and Abstracts, Beijing Forum 2009, The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All-Looking beyond the Crisis to a Harmonious Future, November 6th-8th, 2009, Beijing, China, pp.184-201 (査読なし) 鈴木玲治,安藤和雄,嶋田奈穂子2 ,藤井美穂,増田和也,今北哲也,河原林洋,原田早苗,水野広祐、2010、「在地と都市がつくる循環型社会再生のための実践型地域研究」京都大学生存基盤科学研究ユニット研究成果報告会論文集、平成21年3月1日、京都大学宇治おうばくプラザ、京都大学生存基盤科学研究ユニット、13-16ページ (査読なし) 谷 誠 谷 誠:「森林小流域における水移動、及び、森林小流域の物質循環」6年間のまとめ、小橋澄治:平成20年度森林の水環境保全機能調査業務報告書、31-32、2009。 谷 誠・藤本将光:花崗岩山地斜面における流出機構、小橋澄治:平成20年度森林の水環境保全機能調査業務報告書、33-59、2009。 谷 誠・小島永裕:堆積岩山地の信楽試験地流域の流出特性、小橋澄治:平成20年度森林の水環境保全機能調査業務報告書、60-76、2009。 谷 誠・川島茂人・籠谷泰行・長井正博・片山幸士・小橋澄治:「森林の水環境保全機能調査」6年間のまとめ、小橋澄治:平成20年度森林の水環境保全機能調査業務報告書、111-113、2009。 石川 登 Ishikawa, Noboru. JSPS Global COE Program, In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, The Third International Conference, “Changing Nature of Nature: New Perspectives from Transdisciplinary Field Science”, December 14 – 17, 2009, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University 速水洋子 Hayami, Yoko 2009” Relatedness and Reproduction in Rethinking “Families” in Southeast Asia: (with case studies from three Karen settings)” In Proceedings of the The Making of East Asia: from both macro and micro perspectives(Volume 2) PROJECT 8: Changing “Families” Kyoto March 2009 pp.72-95. 速水洋子 2009 「ビルマのカレン民族における文字と想像の共同体を再考する」特集「人類学とキリスト教」『民博通信』127号14-15頁.