35 Unrestrcited Investment: An Unlevel Playing Field?" 発表11:Nobutada Takaiwa (Hitotsubashi University)"Waqf and Trust: A Consideration of Property Arrangements in Islam and the West" 発表12:Shamsiah Bte Abdul Karim (Durham University)"Contemporary Shari’ah Compliant Structuring for the Management and Development of Waqf Assets" 発表13:Suhaili Almaamun (Durham University)"Islamic Estate Planning: Malaysian Experience" 発表14:Muhammad Hakimi (Kyoto University)"Theory of Sharecropping from Islamic Economics Perspectives" � G-COE/KIAS/TUFS国際ワークショップ(2009/7/30) “Globalization and Socio-political Transformation: Asian and the Middle Eastern Dimension” 発表1:Yushi CHIBA: Political Power, Islamic Legitimacy and Mass Media in Modern Egypt 発表2:Maja VODOPIVEC: Without Right to Remember or How did the Bruce Lee Stayed Without his First World`s Monument 発表3:Ali GOLMOHAMMADI: Modernization and the Response of Political Elites (A Comparative Study of Qajar Iran and Tokugawa Japan) 発表4:Emiko SUNAGA: Historical Discourses in Pakistan: A Case Study of School Textbooks 発表5:Koji HORINUKI: Administrative Reform and Globalization Strategy in Dubai: Its Characteristics, Achievements and Impacts for Economic Development 発表6:Jun HAGIHARA: Scoio-Economic Transformation of Saudi Arabia after King Faysal 発表7:Aiko HIRAMATSU: The Changing Nature of the Parliamentary System in Kuwait: the National Elections in the Recent Decades 発表8:Christopher DAVIDSON: Abu Dhabi and Dubai: A Tale of Two Emirates 発表9:Housam DARWISHEH: Parliamentary Elections and Electoral Systems under the Mubarak Rule in Egypt: Determinative Factores in the Process of Electoral Participation 発表10:Yusuke KAWAMURA: Political Liberalization in 1970s' Egypt 発表11:Intisar al-FARTTOOSI: Forced Displacement in Iraq Triggered by conflict post-2003 発表12:Shizuka IMAI: The Elastic Nature of Jordanian Nationality: Fluctuating Relations of Nationality and Passport between the Two Banks of the Jordan River � G-COE/KIASワークショップ(2009/9/26) 「現代湾岸諸国におけるグローバル化と政治・経済体制」 保坂修司「日本と湾岸地域」 大野元裕「アラブ首長国連邦における部族的紐帯の今日的意味:90年代のアブ・ダビ首長国を中心に」