
:() 2009102 :20091015 :() 20091020 :2120091027 :() 20091028 :20091111 :20091127 :200920091130 : ?20091212 :20091216 : 2010123 :() 1201012526 :201025 :138DOL/LSF2010225 :201039 :Termite, Environment, Energy()200963 :Wood Preservation in Japan()200964 :Termites for New Energy Options()2010112 :IPM for Dry-wood Termite7()201034 Kimura, Shuhei "Works and Lives: Cultural Anthropology in and beyond Tokyo" (with Takano Sayaka) Anthropology Colloquia Winter 2010, at the Department of Anthropology, UCSC, Santa Cruz, United States. 2010.1.13 Kimura, Shuhei, Matsuoka Tadasu, Matsuta Nobuhisa "Memorizing Earthquakes: A comparative study of commemoration in Turkey and Taiwan" The 5th Kyoto University Southeast Asia Forum: Conference of the Earth and Space Sciences, Campus Center ITB, Bandung, Indonesia. 2010.1.7 Kimura, Shuhei "Future earthquakes in Turkey and Japan: Nation, Earth Science, and Risky Future" The Asia Pacific STS Network Conference at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. 2009.11.24 2009.10.2310:(:西) 2009.5.3043(:)(:)


