Date:May 22, 2008 (Thu.)
Venue:Web Meeting
The Initiative 3 seminars don’t select a single investigation point and aim to conduct research projects based on each field station, whilst also maintaining a focus on the promotion of collaborative research, we especially promote the development of inter-disciplinary research/study.
In addition, we focus on research themes not simply to specify issues regarding industrial forests, but to study forest plantations related with coverage of convertible forests, sightseeing forests, economical forests and various other forests. We hope to formulate a paradigm for the transformation of a sustainable humanosphere for the forest plantation.
The following research themes have been discussed during the Initiative 3 seminars.
1. The problems of global warming
2. The problems of the land in the forest plantation
3. The partnership and key stakeholders
4. The conservation of biodiversity
5. The economic effect on local peoples and communities
6. The competition with food
7. The relationship between Japan and Southeast Asia
In the next seminar we look forward with anticipation for the introduction of your research projects.
(Takahisa Hayashi)