

User Functions


"Biosphere as a Global Force of Change"[The Second International Conference]

Record of Activity>>

Date: March 9-11 ,2009
Venue: Room No. 333, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University

・The registration has been closed at 12:00, on March 4,2009(Japan Standard Time).


Missionary Statement >>


Program / Abstract >>(2009/03/04 UP)

Number of participants: 94

Record of Activity>>

Session 1 : Biospheric parameters in Actions and Norms:
Institutional Arrangements and Quantified Expressions.  

Fumikazu Ubukata (G-COE Assistant Professor)

Session 2 : Geospheric Implication for Biosphere

Osamu Kozan (G-COE Assistant Professor)

Session 3 : Biofuel as a Global Force of Change

Shoko Kobayashi (G-COE Researcher)

Session 4 : Rehabilitating Biospheric Perspective in the Modern World

Makoto Nishi (G-COE Researcher)

Japanese Page>>