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"Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia" [The Special G-COE Seminar] (Paradigm Formulation)

Date:Oct 19, 2009 (Mon.) 14:30-15:30
Venue: 3 Meeting Room, the 3rd floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial bldg.

Presentation:Endang Sukara

Title: Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia


  【Record of Activity】

In 1991, The World Conservation Union proposed a strategy for sustainable living entitled “Caring for the Earth”. Among the principle rules of this idea are to have a better way of living, and to take more responsibility with regards to nature. These days nature faces increased population pressures, economic pressures, natural disasters, and man-made disasters. In order to meet all of these challenges technological rationality, political rationality and ethical rationality are essential. One of the political approaches has been carried out in Indonesia, where in order to conserve nature, 50 National Parks have been established across the archipelago. However, this approach has secluded people that have already been living inside the area. This method can be achieved politically but its actual implementation is difficult. This system has proven unsuitable in recent times. UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere program tries to address this issue, with a concept of management applicable in the protected area and the surrounding area. It tries to promote and demonstrate a balanced relationship between man and the environment. The concept applies zones and uses a protected area as the core zone. It has the characteristic of involving multiple stakeholders from the surrounding area. Currently, there are 7 Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia: Leuser (Aceh), Lore Lindu (Sulawesi), Siberut (South Sumatra), Cibodas (West Java), Tanjung Puting (Kalimantan), Komodo (Nusa Tenggara) and Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (Riau). The emerging Challenges for these Biosphere Reverses are global climate change, need for better environmental services and forest conversion. New Biosphere in Riau, Sumatra is a critical area for these conservation efforts, as this area has been identified as the widest area of low land vegetation with a high level of biodiversity. The place is even more interesting as one of the few Sumatran tiger and Sumatran Elephant sanctuaries in Indonesia. For the new Biosphere Reserve, an action plan proposal for 2009 ~ 2013 has been formulated.

( Kusumaningtyas Retno)