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FUJITA, Koichi

Division: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Professor
Main Research: Initiative 1 "Long-term Dynamics of Environment, Technology and Institutions"
Project Title: Comparative History of Rural Institutions: Asia and Japan

Research Theme:

  • Village Saving Groups of Laos
  • Agrarian Structure of South Asia: Comparison with East Asia
  • Structure and Development of "Autonomous Villages" in Japan



  • Fujita, K. and S. Tomita, “The Potentials for Saving Mobilization from Rural Arteas: Case Study of a Saving Group in Rural Vientiane Municipality” In Committee for the Planning and Investment Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Japan International Cooperation Agency, Macroeconomic Policy Support for Socio-Economic Development in the Lao PDR Phase 2 Main Report Volume 2, March 2005, pp.221-236.


2007 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Fujita, Koichi 2008 Rural Economy in Myanmar at the Crossroads: With Special Reference to Rice Policies, In Abe S. and Bhanupong N. (eds.), East Asian Economies and New Regionalism. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 160-192pp.
  • Fujita, Koichi 2008 Worlds Apart: Peasants in Japan and Agricultural Laborers in Bangladesh. In Proceedings for the Core University program Seminar on Private Faces of Power and Institutions in Southeast Asia, Vol.2, 351-365pp.(no referee)


List of Academic Presentations during 2007:



2008 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Fujita, Koichi  "Rural Economy in Myanmar at the Crossroads: With Special Reference to Rice Policies” In S. Abe and N. Bhanupong eds, East Asian Economies and New Regionalism, Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press, 2008, pp.160-192. Fujita, Koichi Impacts of the Tank Modernization Programme on Tank Performance in Tamil Nadu State, India (Co-authored with K. Palanisami, M. Jegadeesan and Yusuyuki Kono), Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.5, June 2008, pp.1-54.
  • Fujita, Koichi  Prospect of Building a Local Self-government at the Upazila/Thana Level: Toward a Decentralized Rural Administration in Bangladesh (Co-authored with Md. Taufiqul Islam), Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.15, December 2008, pp.1-23.
  • Fujita, Koichi  ”Worlds Apart: Peasants in Japan and Agricultural Laborers in Bangladesh”, Kawamura, Y., H. Nakamura, S. Sato, A. Uyar and S. Ishizaka ed., In Proceedings of the Third Afrasian International Symposium, Resources under Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa at Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University on 23-24 February 2008, Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University and Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2008, pp.67-81.
  • Fujita, Koichi  Economic Transition in Myanmar after 1988: Market versus Control (Co-edited with F. Mieno and I. Okamoto), Kyoto University Press and NUS Press, March 2009


List of Academic Presentations during 2008:



2009 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Fujita, K., "Worlds Apart: Peasants in Japan and Agricultural Laborers in Bangladesh", International Journal of South Asian Studies, Volume 2, 2009, 87-104.
  • Jegadeesan, M. and K. Fujita, Aspects of Tank Irrigated Agrarian Economy in Tamil Nadu, India: A Study of Three Villages, Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.77, August 2009.
  • Fujita, K., Re-thinking Economic Development: The Green Revolution, Agrarian Structure and Transformation in Bangladesh, Kyoto UP and Trans Pacific Press, March 2010.


List of Academic Presentations during 2009:




2010  Research Outcome:

  • Fujita, K., “Current Status on Food Policy and Sugar in India”, Information on Sugar, No.164, May 2010
  • Fujita, K, T. Endo, I. Okamoto, Y. Nakanishi and M. Yamada, Myanmar Migrant Laborers in Ranong, Thailand, IDE Discussion Paper No. 257, September, 2010.
  • Chansathith, C., K. Fujita, F. Mieno and A. Ohno, Should Microcredit Be a Right for the Poor?: Credit Demand of Poor Households in Laos, Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.111 (GCOE Series 109), January 2011.


List of Academic Presentations during 2010: 

  • Round Table Talk, “Towards Establishing Communities based on Trust and Co-Working: Current Status in Asia and the Future”, Joint, No.5, pp.4-10