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FURUICHI, Takahisa

Division:Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Associate Professor (chief coordinator)
Main Research: Initiative 2 "Study on nature-inspired technologies and institutions"
Project Title:Assessment of land-use change and land resource sustainability in mainland and maritime Southeast Asia

Research Theme: 

  1. Analysis of land-use change
  2. Analysis of history and status of soil erosion, sediment transport, and sedimentation
  3. Analysis of relationships between land-use change and the soil-sediment processes



  • Furuichi, T., Zaw Win, Wasson, R.J., 2009. Discharge and suspended sediment transport in the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar: Centennial and decadal changes. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7295.
  • Furuichi, T., 2006. Rapid assessment of impact of sedimentation in Lake Inle, Myanmar (Burma). New Mandala, 27 June 2006, 1-3.


2007 G-COE Research Outcome

  • Furuichi, T., 2008. Land and water management in Southeast Asia for sustainability of the society; Analysis of land-use change and its integration into land and water management. Internal Report of GCOE program ‘In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa’.


List of Academic Presentations during 2007:



2008 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Catchment-scale assessment of land-use change and soil erosion in Maritime Southeast Asia


List of Academic Presentations during 2008:



2009 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Furuichi, T., 2009. Can 137Cs be used for the study on soil and sediment movement in Southeast Asia? In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Low-level Measurement of radionuclides and its Application to Earth and Environmental Sciences (eds. Yamamoto, M., Nagao, S., Hamajima, Y., Inoue, M., Komura, K.), 158-163, Kanazawa, Japan, November 5-6, 2009.
  • Furuichi, T., 2009. Land-use change in the Lake Inle catchment, Myanmar: Implications for acceleration of soil erosion and sedimentation. Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.26 (G-COE Series 24).


List of Academic Presentations during 2009:

  • Furuichi, T., Wasson, R.J., 2009. Can 137Cs be used for the study on soil and sediment movement in Southeast Asia? International Workshop on Low-level Measurement of Radionuclides and its Application to Earth and Environmental Sciences, November 2009, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa
  • Furuichi, T., Wasson, R.J., Olley, J.M., 2009. Sources of fine sediments in the Lake Inle catchment, Myanmar(Burma). Japan Geomorphological Union Fall Meeting, October 2009, Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto.
  • Furuichi, T., Pietsch, T., Wasson, R.J., and Olley, J. 2009. Sedimentation in Lake Inle, Myanmar: Analysis using optical and 137Cs dating. Abstract for the 7th International Conference on Geomorphology, Melbourne, Australia (Session: Tropical Geomorphology)


2010  Research Outcome:

  • Furuichi,T., Wasson, R.J., accepted. Placing sediment budgets in the socio-economic context for management of sedimentation in Lake Inle, Myanmar (Burma). In: Sediment Problems and Sediment Management in Asian River Basins (ed. Walling, D.E.), IAHS Red Book.
  • Sidle, C., Furuichi, T., Kono, Y., 2010. Unprecedented rates of landslide and surface erosion along a newly constructed road in Yunnan, China. Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-010-9614-6.


List of Academic Presentations during 2010:
