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IAI, Susumu

Division:Disaster Prevention Research Institute professor
Main Research: Division of Junior Scholar's Research and Training
Project Title:

Research Theme: 

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2007 G-COE Research Outcome



List of Academic Presentations during 2007:

  • Iai, S. Post Kyoto Protocol, The 3rd annual Global Colloquium of University Presidents, United Nations Cnference on Secretary- General,NY,2007


2008 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2008: 

  • Susumu Iai, Risk management approach to seismic hazard and its application to environmental crisis, International Symposium on Sustainbility Science, Potsdam, 2008
  • Susumu Iai, Keynote Lecture, Bandung, Indonesia, 2008


2009 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2009:

  • Iai S:, “Introduction to geotechnics/earthquake geotechnics towards global sustainability” Proc. Kyoto Seminar 2010: Geotechnics/Earthquake Geotechnics towards Global Sustainability, Kyoto, 1-10, (2010)
  • Iai S:, “KSI overview of its activities” Cambridge Kyoto symposium, Pathways to a Low Carbon Society, Cambridge, U.K., (2010)


 2010  Research Outcome:

  • Iai, S. (ed) (2011): “Geotechnics and Earthquake Geotechnics towards Global Sustainability,” Springer, p.1-254


List of Academic Presentations during 2010: 
