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Division:Center for Southeast Asian Studies Associate Professor
Main Research:Initiative 2 "Study on nature-inspired technologies and institutions" and Initiative 3 "The Forestry Model of Sustainable Humanosphere"
Project Title:Globalization and Social Resiliency

Research Theme: 

  • Ethnographic Study of Biomass Society


  • Noboru Ishikawa 2005 Dislocating Nation-States: Globalization in Asia and Africa,co-authored with P.N.Abinales and A.Tanabe, Kyoto/Melbourne: Kyoto University Press/Transpacific Press.


2007 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. Commodities at the Interstices: Transboundary Flows of Resources in Western Borneo, pp. 146-170, Asia-Pacific Forum No.36 (June 2007), Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica.


List of Academic Presentations during 2007:

  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. “Sarawak and Area Informatics: a New Approach to History and Space, at Area Studies and Informatics” The Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 4 - 5 February 2007
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. “Between Frontiers: Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland”Program Seminar, Southeast Asian Studies Program, National University of Singapore, Singapore 9 - 10 February 2007
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. From Borneo to Russian Far East: The Place of Timber in Global Ethnography, ARI Seminar, National University of Singapore, 28 March 2007
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. “State-making and Transnational Process: Transboundary Flows of Resources in a Borderland of Western Borneo”, International Symposium "Transborder Environmental and Natural Resource Management”, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, December 5-7
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. Beyond Hills/Plains Binary: New Approaches to Spatial Ecology of Southeast Asia, a paper presented at Workshop“Revisiting the‘Frontier' in the Southeast Asian Massif", National University of Singapore, Singapore Dec 12-13, 2007
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. Southeast Asian Studies in the 21th Century. 19 October, University of Laval, Quebec City, Canada
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2007. “Commodifying Bornean Forest: From Jungle Produce to Agro-industry in the Kemena Basin, Northern Sarawak”, Canadian Council of Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) Biennial Conference, Beyond Intellectual and Political Boundaries: Southeast Asian Studies in the 21th Century. 19 October, University of Laval, Quebec City, Canada
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2008 “Biomass Society in the Tropics: Genesis and Metamorphoses”, Session 2 Forest metabolism - Changing Nature of Biomass in Humanosphere, In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa: The First International Workshop, 2008 March12-14, Kyoto, Japan.

2008 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru (ed.). Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia: New Approaches to Transnationalism, Kyoto University Academic Press (contracted), National University of Singapore Press (under review).
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2008. Centering Peripheries: Flows and Interfaces in Southeast Asia, Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.10 (JSPS Global COE Program In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, Sub-Series No.8), Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2008. State-Making and transnational Process: Transboundary Flows of Resources in a Borderland of Western Borneo, pp. 117-128, Transborder Environmental and Natural Resource Management (Wil de Jong ed.), CIAS Discussion Paper No.4.
  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2009. Between Frontiers: Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland, Singapore/Copenhagen: National University of Singapore/NIAS Press (in press)


List of Academic Presentations during 2008:

  • ISHIKAWA, Noboru. 2009. Resilience and Regime Shift: Metamorphoses of a Biomass Society in Sarawak, Malaysia, Poster Presentation, the 2nd GCOE International Conference, Biosphere as a Global Force of Change, Kyoto, Japan, 9-11 March 2009


2009 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Ishikawa, Noboru. 2009. Centering Peripheries: Flows and Interfaces in Southeast Asia, Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies No.10 (JSPS Global COE Program "In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa", Sub-Series No.8), Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.PP.1-13(not refereed)
  • Ishikawa, Noboru. 2010. Between Frontiers: Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland. Singapore/Copenhagen/Athens: National University of Singapore Press/NIAS Press/Ohio University Press. 275pp (refereed)
  • Ishikawa, Noboru. JSPS Global COE Program, In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, The Third International Conference, “Changing Nature of Nature: New Perspectives from Transdisciplinary Field Science”, December 14 – 17, 2009, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University


List of Academic Presentations during 2009:

  • Ishikawa, Noboru 2009. "Where Natural and Social Systems Meet,” JSPS Global COE Program In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, The Third International Conference Changing Nature of Nature: New Perspectives from Transdisciplinary Field Science, December 15 – 17, 2009, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University.
  • Ishikawa, Noboru 2009. Equatorial Blessings or Woes? The Regime Shift of a Biomass Society in Southeast Asia A Presidential Session, The American Anthropological Association (AAA), Dec.2, 2009 Philadelphia, TEN YEARS AFTER: THE LEGACY OF ERIC R. WOLF, Organizer: Gustavo Lins Ribeiro (U of Brasilia), Chair: Sydel Silverman (City U of New York)
  • Ishikawa, Noboru 2009. (co-authored with Gaku Masuda), Malaria, Mosquitoes and Communities: the Flows of Pathogens and Human across the Sarawak/West-Kalimantan Border, Oct.29, 2009, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica、Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Ishikawa, Noboru. 2009 The Social Resiliency of High Biomass Society: An Historical Analysis, May 19, 2009, Institute of East Asian Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak.


2010  Research Outcome: 

  • Ishikawa, N. 2010. "State-Making and Transnationalism: Transboundary Flows in a Borderland of Western Borneo” in Ishikawa, Noboru, Wil de Jong & Denyse Snelder eds., Transborder Governance of Forests, Rivers and Seas. London: Earthscan.
  • Ishikawa, N, Wil de Jong & Denyse Snelder eds. 2010. Transborder Governance of Forests, Rivers and Seas. London: Earthscan.


List of Academic Presentations during 2010: 

  • Ishikawa, N. 2011 Statecraft needed Zomia, so did Zomia: An Interactive Perspective, the 21st Century Asian CORE Program International Seminar Radically Envisioning a Different Southeast Asia: from a Non-State Perspective, January 19, 2011, Kyoto: Inamori Memorial Hall, Kyoto Univeristy.
  • Ishikawa, Noboru, Searching Radically Different Southeast Asia: From Non-State Centered Perspectives, paper presented at a Presidential Session, 109th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-21November, 2010.
  • Ishikawa, Noboru, Searching Radically Different Southeast Asia: From Non-State Centered Perspectives, paper presented at a Presidential Session, 109th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-21 November, 2010.


2011 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • 2011 Noboru Ishikawa, "Introduction: Physics of Flows and Metaphysics of Movements", in Noboru Ishikawa (ed.), Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia: New Approaches to Transnationalism, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
  • 2011 Noboru Ishikawa, "Genesis of Colonial Geo-Body in Western Borneo: Inscribing Boundary at the Imperial Margin", in Noboru Ishikawa (ed.), Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia: New Approaches to Transnationalism, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
  • 2011 Noboru Ishikawa (ed.), Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia: New Approaches to Transnationalism (New Edition), Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.


List of Academic Presentations during 2011:

  • 2011 Noboru Ishiakwa, "Plantation and Tropical Forests: Transformation of a Biomass Society in East Malaysia", Session7 Challenges for the Region, International Conference on Plural Coexistence: East Asian Experiences in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Kyoto University, 17-18th December 2011.
  • 2011 Noboru Ishikawa, "Between Frontiers: Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland", The 3rd International Winter Symposium of the Global COE Program,“Reshaping Japan's Border Studies -- Weaving the Borders Together-Network between Japan and the World", November 26, 2011, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo.