Division: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Professor, Director
Main Research:Initiative 3 "The Forestry Model of Sustainable Humanosphere"
Project Title:The Forest model of sustainable humanosphere
Research Theme:
- People's organizations, institutional changes and good governance in the democratizing and decentralizing Indonesia
- Possibilities of Sustainable Humanosphere Type Development in Indonesia
- Small Scale Business and Economic Development in Southeast Asia
- Mizuno Kosuke, "The rise of labor movements and the evolution of the Indonesian system of industrial relations: A case study", The Developing Economies, Vol. XLIII, Number 1, March 2005 pp. 190-211
- Mizuno Kosuke , Rural Industrialization in Indonesia, A Case Study of Community Based- Weaving Industry in West Java, Occasional Paper Series No.31,Institute of Developing Economies, 1996,114p
2007 G-COE Research Outcome:
- Mizuno, Kosuke_, 2007,“In Search of New Direction of Development in Indonesia-Possibility of Sustainable Humanosphere Type Development in Indonesia”, in In Search of New Paradigm on Sustainable Humanosphere, Proceeding of the 1st Kyoto University-LIPI-Southeast Asian Forum, November 26-27, 2007 PDII Building 2nd Floor, LIPI Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 10, Jakarta-Indonesia, organizer Kyoto University-Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Kyoto University Alumni Association (HAKU), pp.28-36
- Mizuno Kosuke 2007,“Labor Unions in Indonesia after 1998: Their Origins, Organizations, and Activities”, Proceeding of CORE University Program Seminar Thammasat University and Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Co-Organized by Global COE Program "In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere" Title: Private Faces of Power and Institutions in Southeast Asia (Volume 1), Date: December 6th - 7th 2007, Royal City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 216-232
- Siti Sugiah Mugniesyah, Kosuke Mizuno, 2008, “Women’s Land Contribution and Its Relation to Household Food Security Among Peasant Households, (Case in an Upkand Village in West Java),” in JSPS-DGHE Core University Program in Applied Biosciences Proceedings of the Final Seminar on: Toward Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Feb,28-29, 2008, pp. 168-182
List of Academic Presentations during 2007:
- Mizuno Kosuke “Sistem Penyelesaian Perselisihan Perburuhan di Indonesia: Musyawarah atau rule of law? Mutu Penyelesaian Perselisihan Perburuhan (Indonesian Labor Dispute Settlement System, consultation or Rule of Law ? The Quality of Labor Dispute Settlement)”, Seminar Nasional Hakim Ad-hoc Indonesia, Labor Union Right Center, June, 10th, 2007, in Hotel Milenium, Jakarta, Indonesia(invited speaker)
- Mizuno Kosuke, “Night Watch and Night Guarding, - Violence and Community in Indonesia, Jakarta”, International Workshop on Security and Violence n Contemporary Southeast Asa, organized by Mekong Research Unit, Institute of Asian Stdies, Chulalongkorn University and Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, July 18th, - 19th, 2007, Mekong Delta Hotel, Chaing rai, Thailand
- .Mizuno Kosuke, “Pola Keorganisasian Buruh di Tingkat Pabrik dan Hubungan Industrial di Indonesia (Pattern of Labor Organization at the Plant Level and Industrial Relation in Indonesia)”, Refleksi 7 Tahun Kebebasan Berserikat di Indonesia, Semiloka dan Pelncuran Direktori Serikat Pekerja/Serikat Buruh, AKATIGA-Pusat Analisis Sosial & CSEAS-Kyoto University, 7, Agustus 2007, YTKI, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2007, “In Search of New Direction of Development in Indonesia -Possibility of Sustainable Humanosphere Type Development- “, The First Kyoto University - LIPI Southeast Asian Forum: Sustainable Humanosphere In Indonesia, Jakarta, November 26-27 2007, Gedung Widyagraha LIPI, Jakarta Indonesia,
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2007, “Labor Unions in Indonesia after 1998: Their Origins, Organizations and Activities”, CORE University Program Seminar Thammasat University and Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Co-Organized by Global COE Program "In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere" Title: Private Faces of Power and Institutions in Southeast Asia Date: December 6th - 7th 2007, Royal City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2008, “Area Study and Humanosphere, -The Possibility of Sustainable Humanosphere Type Development in Indonesia-“, The 92nd RISH Symposium Towards Establishment of Sustainable Humanosphere (Co-organized by RISH, CSEAS and RDUB-LIPI, and supported by Kyoto University and G-COE Program– In Search for Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa),February 23, 2008, Cibinong, Indonesia, (invited speaker)
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2008, “Rural Industry as a Sustainable Humanosphere Type Industry in Indonesia, -A Case Study of Roof-tile Industry as a Prosperous Development-“JSPS-NRCT Core University Program: Project 9 / Global COE Program: Initiative 1, Joint Workshop on Labour-intensive Industrialisation in Southeast Asia, March 1 (Sat.) - 2 (Sun.), 2008, CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan
- Mizuno, Kosuke ,2008, Organizer, JSPS-NRCT Core University Program / Global COE Program, Joint Workshop on "Populism in Asian Clothes" March 7th and 8th, 2008, Kyodai Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan,
2008 G-COE Research Outcome:
- Mizuno,Kosuke, 2008. “From Colonial Studies to Sustainable Humanosphere: Japanese Studies on Rural Southeast Asia”, /Asia-Pacific Forum/, July 2008, 40, pp.1-20
- Michele Ford, Kosuke Mizuno ed. 2008. Special Edition on "Indonesian Labor since Suharto: Perspectives from the Region" Labor and Management in Development Jornal Vol. 9
- Michele Ford, Kosuke Mizuno, 2008, "Indonesian Labor since Suharto: Perspectives from the Region" Labor and Management in Development Journal, Vol. 9,
- Kosuke Mizuno, 2008, "Strengths and weaknesses in Law No,2/2004 about Industrial Disputes Settlement", Labor and Management in Development Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 1-8
List of Academic Presentations during 2008:
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2008, “Japanese Study on Rural Southeast Asia and CSEAS Kyoto University, From Colonial Studies to Sustainable Humanosphere”, in Spring Conference of Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies, Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies, April 4- 5, 2008 at Junbuk University, Jeonju, South Korea (invited speaker)
- Mizuno, Kosuke 2008, “Retrospectif Hubungan Ekonomi Indonesia dan Jepang, dan Arah Perkembangan Masa Depan”, in Seminar Memperingati 50 Tahun Hubungan Diplomatik Republik Indonesia dan Jepang, April 17, 2008, di Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2008, “Social Movement and Changing Governance in Southeast Asia” at JSPS-NRCT Core University International Workshop on ”Future Perspective of Asian Way of Social Movement in the Era of Globalization" at CSEAS. Kyoto University, June 14, 2008
- Kosuke Mizuno, Organizer, opening remark, CSEAS- NIOD Joint International Seminar on “Chinese and Inter-ethnic Coexistence and Cooperation in Southeast Asia” at CSEAS, Kyoto University, July 3-4, 2008
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2008, “Labor Unions in Indonesia after 1998: Their Origins, Organizations and Contentions”, presented at the 5th International Seminar of Anthropology Indonesia, July 22-25, 2008, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2008, Integrated rural development based on sustainable humanospher and IT network, in Workshop Pengembangan Komptanisasi SDM TIK, Batusangkara, Tanahdatar, 28-29 Juli, 2008, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia (invited speaker)
- Mizuno, Kosuke 2008, “Vietnamese Economy in the Context of Asian Economic Development”, Key Note Lecture, The 4th Vietamese Students’ Science Exchange Conference, November 15th, and 16th, 2008, Kyoto University (invited speaker)
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Introduction to a New Model of East Asian Economy, and challenges to Current Global Economic Crisis” presented at the Final Symposium of the JSPS-NRCT Core University Program,”The Making of East Asia: from both macro and micro perspectives”,Co-sponsored by GCOE Program “Towards a Sustainable Humanosphere”February 23rd-24th, 2009,Inamori Memorial Building, CSEAS, Kyoto University
2009 G-COE Research Outcome:
- Mizuno Kosuke, Pasuk Phongpaichit, ed., 2009, Populism in Asia, Kyoto CSEAS Series on Asian Studies Volume 2, Singapore; National University of Singapore Press, Kyoto; Kyoto University Press, 2009, 228p. (refereed)
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Conflict Resolutions in Post-Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia: Institutional Changes and People's Organizations” Proceeding of The First KASEAS and CSEAS Joint International Symposium, Interdependency of Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia, The Migration, Investment and Culture Flow, 19-20 June 2009, Nammyung Hall, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea, pp.113-127 (not refereed)
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Towards a New Model of East Asian Economy, and Challenges to Current Global Economic Crisis”, The Crisis and Transformative Opportunities-Historical Relations and Contemporary Challenges (1), Collection of Papers and Abstracts, Beijing Forum 2009, The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All-Looking beyond the Crisis to a Harmonious Future, November 6th-8th, 2009, Beijing, China, pp.184-201 (not refereed)
List of Academic Presentations during 2009:
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Conflict Resolutions in Post-Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia: Institutional Changes and People's Organizations”, The First KASEAS and CSEAS Joint International Seminar, Jinju, South Korea,
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “People's Management of Natural Resources; the Case of Peatland Conservation and Restoration” Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Peat Land Resources in Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Researve, Roau, The 3rd Humanosphere Science School, Pekanbaru, August 4-5, 2009
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University” 2009 Sogang International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies Southeast Asia as an Open System, September 18-19,2009, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2009, “Towards a New Model of East Asian Economy, and Challenges to Current Global Economic Crisis”, at the session of The Crisis and Transformative Opportunities-Historical Relations and Contemporary Challenges-, The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All-Looking beyond the Crisis to a Harmonious Future, November 6th-8th, 2009, Beijing, China
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, “Risk Aversion and Earthquake in Indonesia”, The 5th Kyoto University Southeast Asian Forum Conference of the Earth and Space Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, January 7th, 8th, 2010, Bandung, Indonesia
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, “Potentiality of REDD program at Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau”, in International Workshop on Sustainable Forest Tree Plantation in the Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau in Indonesia Organized by GCOE Program In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa February 4, 2010 Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, “Comparative Study on Forest Management Between Indonesia and Japan -Deforestation or Multifunction of the Forest?-“, in Japanese Area Studies UI & CSEAS Kyoto University International Symposium on theme: “New Frontiers of Indonesia-Japan Relationship” Organized by CSEAS, Kyoto University and Kajian Wilayah Jepang Universitas Indonesia, suppoted by JSPS and Japan Foundation. 15-16 February 2010, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, “Global Imbalance and Export-oriented East Asian Model revisited-Twelve Years’ Change since Economic Crisis in 1997 and Indonesian Alternative-“, in International Symposium on “Tackling the Financial Crisis in East and Southeast Asia Assessing Policies and Impacts,” organized by Department of Japanese Studies, SMLC, The University of Hong Kong & Venue: Council Chamber 8/F Meng Wah Complex HKU Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, February 24th, 25rh, 2010, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2010, “Global Imbalance and East Asian Growth Model revisited -Twelve Years’ Change since Economic Crisis in 1997 and Alternative Models-“, Analyzing Global Financial Crisis and East Asia; Twelve Years’ Change Since the 1997 Economic Crisis and Ideas for a New East Asian Economic Model, in First Joint International Workshop of the JSPS Asian Core Program CSEAS Kyoto University, Japan, Thammasat University, Thailand, LIPI, Indonesia, CAPAS Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Model for Co-Existence in the 21st Century, Co-sponsored by GCOE Program “Towards a Sustainable Humanosphere” February 26th-27th, 2010, CSEAS. Kyoto University, Japan
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2010, “Talun, Swidden Agriculture and Rural Economy in Wet Java, Indonesia”, in KSI International Workshop on Swidden Agriculture in Southeast Asia, CSEAS, Kyoto University March, 15th, 2010
2010 Research Outcome:
- Mizuno, Kosuke, Haris Gunawan, ”Conservation of peat bog and agroforestry in Indonesia”, Takamitsu Sawa el.al. ed., Achieving the Global Sustainability :Policy Recommendation, UN University Press, pp.162-174 (in press)
List of Academic Presentations during 2010:
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, “Global Imbalance and Export-oriented East Asian Model revisited -Twelve Years’ Change since Economic Crisis in 1997 and Alternative Model-“ASEM-CIEM Workshop on Overcoming the Crisis-Shaping Sustainable Development In the Next Context, Nha Tang, Vietnam, April 26-27, 2010
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, Indonesian Alternative to Export Oriented Authoritarian East Asian Development Model -Open and Balanced Economy-, The First Indonesian Forum, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Osaka Consulate General of Indonesian Government, on July 23th, 2010, at Kyoto.
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2010, Peat Land Restoration at Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau and Potentiality of REDD program, The Meeting of the Participating Organizations for 2010 JST-JICA Project Proposal August 3rd, 2010, at LIPI, Jakarta
- Mizuno Kosuke, 2010, Indonesian Alternative to Export Oriented Authoritarian East Asian Development Model -Open and Balanced Economy-, Keynote speech, at PPI Nagoya University, August, 7th, 2010.
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, Entrepreneur in East Asia, Political, Economical, Social and Cultural; Toward a New Model of East Asian Political Economy, at Asian Core University Program Research Conference “Asian Connection” organized by Thammasat University on August 27th, 2010 at Bangkok, Thailand
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, “Indonesian Economy for Sustainable Humanosphere” at the 34th Southeast Asian Seminar on New Concept Building for Sustainable Humanosphere and Society From the Equatorial Zone of Southeast Asia, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, ICIER-LIPI, at LIPI, Jakarta, September 20th, 2010.
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, People’s Organization and Institution for Peat Land Restoration at Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau and Potentiality of REDD program, at International Symposium “Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatland Ecosystems, Center for Tropical Peatland Studies, Riau University, and G-COE Program for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Pekanbaru, October 20, 2010
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2010, Area Study and Sustainable Humanosphere, “The Third International Conference on Mathematics And Natural Science (ICMNS) 2010- Science For Sustainable Development”, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia, 23-25 Nopember 2010,
2011 G-COE Research Outcome:
- Mizuno, Kosuke, Haris Gunawan, 2011, Conservation of peat bog and groforestry in Indonesia”, Takamitsu Sawa et al. ed., Achieving Global Sustainability: Policy Recommendations, UN University Press, pp.184-193
- Proceeding Workshop on Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Peat Swamp Foret, MAB Indonesian Institute of Science, Kyoto University G-COE “In Serch of Susutainable Humanosphere in Asian and Africa”, CSEAS, RITH Kyoto University, Research Center for Biology-LIPI, CSC-LIPI, Cibinong, 19 July, 2011
List of Academic Presentations during 2011:
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, Socioeconomic challenges for sustainable management of a tropical peatland ecosystem, International Workshop on “Sustainable Management Of Bio-resources in Tropical Peatland Ecosystem” Research Center for Biology, Cibinong Science Center (CSC)-LIPI. July 19th, 2011
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, A new model for restoration of peatland ecosystem for sustainable Management, International Workshop on “Sustainable Management Of Bio-resources in Tropical Peatland Ecosystem” Research Center for Biology, Cibinong Science Center (CSC)-LIPI. July 19th, 2011
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, Global Imbalance and East Asian Growth Model Revisited -Twelve Years’ Change since Economic Crisis in 1997 and Alternative Model-, CAPAS-CSEAS Workshop for Young Scholars of Southeast Asian Area Studies EXPLORING FRONTIERS OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN AREA STUDIES: ASIAN PERSPECTIVES August, 9-11, 2011CAPAS-SINICA, Taipei
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, Socioeconomic challenges for sustainable management of a tropical peatland ecosystem, and a new model for restoration of peatland ecosystem for sustainable Management, The 2nd International Workshop on South South Cooperation (SSC) for Sustainable Development in the Three Major Tropical Humid Regions in the World, October 4-6, 2011 at Pebanbaru, Indonesia
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, Reconstruction of Forest-based Society by Conservation and Rehabilitation of Peat Land with the Introduction of People’s Forest in Riau, Indonesia, paper presented at JSPS Global COE Program The Fifth International Conference In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa December 4-6, 2011 Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2012, Social Innovation and Approach on Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources In Southeast Asia – Proposal of Area Study and Sustainable Humanosphere Approach, Kyoto University Southeast Asia Forum, “Technical and Social Innovation on Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia, January 28-29, 2012
- Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, ACFTA dan Ekonomi Indonesia -Deindustrialisasi atau Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia Model Maritime Society ? The Symposium “Indonesia: The New Rising Star In the Global World”Osaka International House August, 3th, 2011