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MORI, Takuro

Division:Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Assistant Professor
Main Research: Initiative 3 "The Forestry Model of Sustainable Humanosphere"
Project Title:

Research Theme: 

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2011 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Takuro Mori_, Yoshiyuki Yanase, Joko Sulistyo, Ziyadatil Inayah, Sulaeman Yusuf, Maya Ismayati, Yulianto P Prihatmaji, Shuichi Doi, Investigation of biodeterioration in Indonesian traditional wooden structure of "Joglo" Part 1: A case study in Sultan Palace, Proceedings of The Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011, 260-261, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
  • Yoshiyuki Yanase, _Takuro Mori_, Yulianto P Prihatmaji, Sulaeman Yusuf, Maya Ismayati, Joko Sulistyo, Ziyadatil Inayah, Shuichi Doi, Investigation of biodeterioration in Indonesian traditional wooden structure of "Joglo" Part 2: A case study in area of Kotagete, Proceedings of The Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011, 262-263, Kyoto,


List of Academic Presentations during 2011:
