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HOME > program member > SUGIYAMA, Junji


Division:Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Professor
Main Research: Initiative 2 "Study on nature-inspired technologies and institutions"
Project Title: Networking Wood collection and its database in East Asian Countries – a link to humanities

Research Theme: 

  1. Hierarchical structure and function of cell wall
  2. Biogenesis and biodegradatio of structural polysaccharides
  3. Wood anatomy and identification



  • M Mueller, M Burghammer, and J Sugiyama:Direct investigation of the structural properties of tension wood cellulose microfibrils using microbeam x-ray fibre diffraction, Holzforschung, 60, 474-479 (2006)
  • Sugiyama J, Sorimachi, H. : Report of research on the quality of materials (woods) for conserved cultural properties, Bulletin of Nara National Museum, No.9, 142-146 (2007)


2007 G-COE Research Outcome
