I have a special interest in re-examining non-Western International Relations (IR). I would like to explore a new paradigm of “sustainable humanosphere” with this IR approach in our G-COE Program. The methodology and epistemology of IR are mainly based on Western values, ethics, law, history, and so on. Western IR theories are often unable to account for affairs and phenomena in Asia and Africa. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in theories of IR in the Asia-Pacific region. Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan provocatively questioned the reason for the absence of a non-Western IR theory. IR scholars in Asia have recently attempted to propound Asian IR theories such as Chinese IR or Japanese IR with an eye to the “English School.” The aim of my research is to reconsider the methodology and epistemology of IR theories from Asian and African perspectives. In this context, I put forth a theory of “Global Area Studies” or “Regional International Relations (i.e., Non-Western IR).”