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HASUDA, Takashi

Division:Center for Pan-East Asian Studies, Institute of Humanities, Social Science and Education, Niigata University, Associate Professor
Mai Research:Initiative 1:Long-term Dynamics of Environment, Technology and Institutions
Project Title:

Research Theme: 

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2007 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2007:



2008 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2008:

  • Takashi Hasuda “Một vài nét về vai trò của hoạn quan trong thế kỷ 17”. The third international conference on Vietnamese studies, Vietnam: integration and development. 4-7, December 2008, My Dinh national convention centre, Hà Nội


2009 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2009:

  • HASUDA, Takashi “Waterway Control and Coastal Village in Central Vietnam during The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries&rdqua;. CAPAS-CSEAS 2009 International Symposium on Maritime Links and Trans-nationalism in Southeast Asia: Past and Present, 28 Oct. 2009, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.