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MASUDA, Kazuya

Division:G-COE Researcher
Main Research: Initiative 2 "Reformation of sustainable humanosphere among local communities"
Project Title:Towards sustainable humanosphere linked Local knowledge and global issue

Research Theme: 

  1. Local knowledge and technique of forest use
  2. Local custom, institution, and social relationship of resource distribution
  3. Transformation of land use and migration caused by development scheme



  • The Reconstitution of Adat in a Dual Level Land Conflict: A case study of a village community under forest development schemes in Sumatra,Indonesia. Afrasia Working Paper 61. (Shiga: Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University, 2009).
  • [in Japanese] "Afforestation and Local communities in Indonesia: Local leveled impacts of CDM scheme". in Masahiro Ichikawa, Daisuke Naito, and Fumikazu Ubukata (eds.) People and forest management institution in Tropical Asia: Local-level Impacts of Diverse Governance Systems.(Kyoto: Jinbun Shoin, 2010, pp.188-205.


 2010  Research Outcome:

  • MASUDA Kazuya. “A proposal from villagers: an attempt at Surusumi, Yogo”. Zaichi-no-chi: News Letter of Practical regional studies. 24. pp.3. Institution for Sustainable Studies and Center for South East Asian Studies, Kyoto University
  • MASUDA Kazuya. “Formation and pluralistic realignment of territoriality in forest area: a case study of the Petalangan, Sumatra”, presented to Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, January 2011.


List of Academic Presentations during 2010: 

  • MASUDA Kazuya, “Local people toward the large scale oil palm plantation scheme: a case study of the Petalangan community, Sumatra”, the 10th seminar on Oil Palm studies, on June 19th 2010, at Inamori foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
  • MASUDA Kazuya. “Transformations of resource distribution among local communities: Between custom and law”. International Symposium, “Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatland Ecosystems”, on October 20th 2010, at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Riau University, Indonesia.


2011 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • (in press)Kazuya Masuda and Kosuke Mizuno. Social-Economic history of Reclamation of peat-swamp area: a case of the coastal area in Riau. In Proceedings of International Workshop on “Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Peat-swamp Forest”. pp. (undecided)


List of Academic Presentations during 2011:

  • Kazuya Masuda and Kosuke Mizuno. Conjuncture of Local Practices and Outsiders’ Scheme: A Socio-Economic History of Peat-swamp in Riau. International Workshop on “Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Peat-swamp Forest”, 2011.7.19, at Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong, Indonesia.
  • Kosuke Mizuno and Kazuya Masuda. Socio-economic Challenges for Sustainable Management of a Tropical Peatland Ecosystem. International Workshop on “Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Peat-swamp Forest”, 2011.7.19, at Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong, Indonesia.
  • Kazuya Masuda and Kosuke Mizuno. Transformation of Forest Use among Local People in Peat Swamp Area. The Fifth International Conference of JSPS Global COE Program on “In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa”, 2011.12.6. at Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Kosuke Mizuno and Kazuya Masuda. Reconstruction of Forest-based Society by Conservation and Rehabilitation of Peat Land with the Introduction of People’s Forest in Riau, Indonesia. The Fifth International Conference of JSPS Global COE Program on “In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa”, 2011.12.6. at Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.