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SATO, Takahiro

Division:G-COE Assistanct Professor 
Main Research:Initiative 2 "Study on nature-inspired technologies and institutions"
Project Title:Building artificial society on Sustainable Water Use in Tamil Nadu, India

Research Theme: 

  1. ●●●●●



  • Sato, T., Abdalla, O.S., Oweis, T.Y., Sakuratani, T., 2006. “Effect of supplemental irrigation on leaf stomatal conductance of field-grown wheat in northern Syria”., Agr. Water. Manage. 85. 105-112.


2007 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2007:



2008 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2008:

  • T. Sato, 2008. Water : Key medium of sustainable humanosphere. The First International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program “In Search of Sustainable Humanospere in Asia and Africa”.
  • T. Sato, T. Wada, 2009. How to Assess the Sustainability of Our Humanosphere? Towards the development of Humanosphere Index. The Second International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program “In Search of Sustainable Humanospere in Asia and Africa”.


2009 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • T. Sato, 2010. Mechanism of the agricultural transformation in semi-arid area: A case study in Madurai District. In Proceedings of the international conference on Environment, Agriculture and Socio-economic Change in India, Centre of Asian Studies, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, KOREA.


List of Academic Presentations during 2009:




2010  Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2010:

  • Sato, Takahiro "Introduction of the joint sessions -Towards the development of Humanosphere Index", International Conference on GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences (GIS-IDEAS) , Hanoi, Vietnam, December 10th, 2010.
  • Sato, Takahiro "Effect of economic liberalization on agricultural land use in a tank-intensive watershed of Tamil Nadu, India.", The seminar of Green Research Unit, Montpellier, France, February 10th, 2011


2011 G-COE Research Outcome:

  • Sato, Takahiro and Periyar Ramasamy Duraiyappan, 2011. "The Effects of Expansion of Private Wells on Rural Livelihood in Tank Intensive Watersheds: A case Study in Upper Gundar River Basin, Tamil Nadu", Southeast Asian Studies 49. 124-150.
  • Sato, Takahiro and Muniandi Jegadeesan, 2011. "Beyond Water-Intensive Agriculture - Expansion of invasive tree species in Tamil Nadu, India" In Proceedings of international Workshop on Development, Environment and Socio-political Transformation in South Asia: Diversity and Sustainable Humanosphere in Contemporary Dynamism, Kyoto Univ., JAPAN.
  • Sato, Takahiro and Taizo Wada, 2011. "Humanosphere Index - Beyond Human Development -, In Proceedings of 5th International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program "In search of sustainable humanosphere in Asia and Africa", Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan.


List of Academic Presentations during 2011: