Upon preparing your manuscript, please follow the template. Moreover, please take note of the following guidelines.
1. Page format: Paper A4 39 lines per page
2. Font: Times New Roman 12pt. (main text) 10pt. (footnotes and references)
3. If there are any footnotes concerning the paper itself, please place a * at the end of the title, as the first footnote.
4. Add another footnote on the author(s)’s name(s), and indicate the authors affiliation and contact (e-mail address).
5. All subtitles should be aligned to the left. For first level subtitles, one line should be left before and after the title, and for smaller subtitles, one line only before the title.
6. Do not indent the beginning of a paragraph. Leave a space of one line between paragraphs.
7. For reference, use one of the following styles.
A All references should be listed at the end of the paper. When referring to a particular article, indicate the author’s name, year of publication, and page (if necessary).
Main text: Cushman (1991: 28) or (Cushman 1991: 28)
Reference list:
Cushman, Jennifer Wayne. 1991. Family and State: The Formation of a Sino-Thai Tin-mining Dynasty 1797-1932. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
B Indicate the reference in a footnote. A list of references may or may not be added at the end of the paper.
Jennifer W. Cushman, Family and State: The Formation of a Sino-Thai Tin-mining Dynasty 1797-1932, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1991, p.28.
8. The format for the list of references is primarily free as long as normally accepted procedures are followed.
1) Italicize titles of books and journals
Titles of chapters within books or articles in journals should be roman.
2) Order of list of references
A in the case of reference list at the end of the paper
Author’s (editor’s) name(s) from surname to personal name, in alphabetical order of the surname.
Each item should indicate the following information in this order i) author(s)’name(s), ii) year of publication, iii) title of article, title of book or journal, iv) place of publication. (not necessary in the case of journal articles) (v) page number can be either before of after the place of publication.
Example Grandstaff, Terry. 1979. The Hmong Opium and the Haw: Speculation of the Origin of Their Association. Journal of Siam Society 67(2): 70-79.
Wyatt, David K. 1994. Family Politics of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth Century Siam. In David. K. Wyatt ed., Studies in Thai History, Chiang Mai: Silkworm, pp. 98-103.
Wyatt, David K. 1994. Family Politics of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth Century Siam. In Studies in Thai History, edited by David. K. Wyatt, pp.98-103. Chiang Mai: Silkworm.
B In the case of indicating references in footnotes
i) authors’ (editor(s)’) names, the order of surname and family according to the customs of the language in use ii) title of article or chapter, title of book or journal iii) place of publication, iv) year of publication v) page
Terry Grandstaff, “The Hmong Opium and the Haw: Speculation of the Origin of Their Association,” Journal of Siam Society 67(2), 1979, pp.70-79.
David K. Wyatt, “Family Politics of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth Century Siam,” in David. K. Wyatt ed., Studies in Thai History, Chiang Mai: Silkworm, 1994, pp. 98-103.
10. Figures, tables, photographs
Figures, tables and photographs can be inserted either within the main text or at the end. Captions should be placed on each item.
11. Others
・Quotations longer than six lines should be separated from the main text, and the entire quotation should be indented, without quotation marks.
・If you are using acronyms, spell out upon first usage.
Example United Malays’ National Organization (UMNO)
・Foreign words (non-English) should be italicized unless they are personal pronouns.
Example muang, sawah, ulama
Last Updated 200810月23(木) 15:10 JST|