Southern Africa Field Stations (SAFS) were set up in Zambia (Zambia FS) and Namibia (Namibia SF) with the aim to support the fieldwork of graduate students and researchers studying the countries of southern Africa and to promote wide exchanges between researchers. The Zambia FS has links with the Institute of Economic and Social Research of the University of Zambia, which is located in the capital city of Lusaka. It is used as a place for the collection of materials and exchange of information, as well as for the deepening of exchanges and discussion with local researchers. It also serves as a base of activities for faculty and graduate students carrying out fieldwork in Zambia and neighboring countries. Further, the Zambia FS also hosts regular “Southern Africa Regional Workshops” along with the Namibia FS, to carry out network research on problems common to the region, as well as symposiums for exchanges with researchers and others in neighboring countries.
Global COE Program - Kyoto University - In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa