Cameroon Field Station (CFS)

Introduction of Field Station

The Cameroon Field Station (CFS) is located in Ndongo, an eastern state of Cameroon. It's a center for research where the photovoltaic facility, satellite phones and outboard engines have already been equipped, following a renovation process. More than 20 researchers including those from Kyoto University are working there and seminars co-organized with the Ministry of Forestry in Cameroon and WWF are also held at the CFS .

Counter Parts

・Universite de YaoundeI, Sociology and Anthropology Department
・Université de Dakar
・Institut de Recherche Environnementale de Bossou (IREB)

Column&Field Station Photos Gallery

*Column:"The Day the Men Take the Lead"Yumiko KATAYAMA
*Field Station Photo Gallery
*21st Century COE Program -Aiming for COE of Integrated Area Studies-
*Graduate Studies and Research at Field Stations

Global COE Program - Kyoto University - In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa
