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"Re-conceptualization of Wildlife Conservation -Toward Resonatable Actions for Conservation-"


Date: August 7 Thu, 2008
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Japanese Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya


Co-hosting Organizers:
・Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS)
・Kyoto University (GCOE)
・JSPS (Nairobi Research Station)
・University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences)
・Waseda University (Hirayama Ikuo Volunteer Center)
・Fukushima University




Opening Remarks (I. Hazama)

Session 1: Wildlife Conservation in Current Kenya (T. Meguro, M. Okello, M. Ogada and C. Musyoki, )

Session 2: Various Perspectives of Wildlife Conservation (Y. Yamane, A. Yasuda, N. Nishizaki, Y. Iwai)

Session 3: General Discussion (I. Hazama, D. Western)

17:20- 17:30
Closing Remakes (C. Musyoki)


【Record of Acivity】

In total there were 64 participants. Their affiliations included the Kenya Wildlife Service, the African Conservation Centre, the East African Wild Life Society, Kenyatta University, JICA and so on. The intention of this workshop was to consider the meaning of “conservation” with those who are interested in or working within that issue in Kenya. We prepared discussion times for session 1 and 2, and a general discussion as session 3 for more than one hour. During this time, there were many questions and comments, and the following topics were discussed amongst participants; how local people can keep their rights or opinion against outside investors who have strong economic power, is it adequate to call various animals just “wildlife” as a whole ignoring their difference in local context, how local people can be empowered and by who and how such empowerment should be practiced, etc.

(Toshio Meguro)