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所   属: 生存圏研究所 教授 
基幹研究: イニシアティブ3 「地域生存基盤の再生研究」
研究課題: インドネシアにおける耐震木造住宅の開発と伝統木造建築の比較研究


  1. 木質構造物の接合法に関する研究
  2. 伝統木造建築の耐力発現機構の解明
  3. 各種木質構造部材の構造性能の評価



  • Wen-Shao Chang, Kohei Komatsu, Min-Fu Hsu and Wei-Jye Chen : On mechanical behavior of traditional timber shear wall in Taiwan I: background and theory derivation, Journal of Wood Science, 53(1), 17-23, 2007.
  • 中谷 誠, 小松 幸平:ラグスクリューボルトの引抜き性能発現機構(第3報)繊維直交方向引抜き理論の構築、木材学会誌、52(3)、160-167、2006.


平成19年度 G-COE関連業績:

  • 片岡 靖夫、北守 顕久、越智 弘幸、豊田 洋一、小松 幸平:中国トン族の杉による伝統木造建造物の研究 : 第1報 貫構造による鼓楼の構造と構築システム、日本建築学会構造系論文集、(622),137-144, 2007.
  • 中田欣作、小松幸平:強化LVL接合板および接合ピンを用いた木質構造フレームの開発(第1報)弾性床上の梁の曲げ理論を用いて求めた強化LVL接合のせん断性能 、木材学会誌 53(6) , 313~319, 2007.
  • 鄭 基浩, 北守 顕久、小松 幸平:スギ圧縮込み栓の回復特性による金輪継ぎ手接合部の抗クリープ性能向上、木材学会誌、53(6)、306-312、2007.
  • 藤井雅也,松本慎也,村上雅英,杉本敏和,井上隆二,完山利行,小松幸平:上載荷重が面材釘打ち大壁耐力壁の面内せん断試験の復元力特性に与える影響の考察、日本建築学会構造系論文集、(619), 105-110, 2007.
  • Wen-Shao Chang, Kohei Komatsu, Min-Fu Hsu and Wei-Jye Chen : On mechanical behavior of traditional timber shear wall in Taiwan II: simplified calculation and experimental verification, Journal of Wood Science, 53(1), 24-30, 2007
  • Wen-Shao Chang, Kohei Komatsu, Min-Fu Hsu and Wei-Jye Chen : On mechanical behavior of traditional timber shear wall in Taiwan I: background and theory derivation 、Journal of Wood Science, 53(1), 17-23, 2007
  • 小松幸平:木質ラーメン構法と接合部、特集【木質ラーメン構法で住宅をつくる】建築技術、115-120、5月号、2007. 


平成19年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • 招待講演:Kohei Komatsu: “State of the Arts on Timber Constructions in Japan”, at NATIONAL SEMINAR - System of Preparing Quality Timber for Construction-, Building Research Institute, Division of Human Settlement, Bandung, 27 November, 2007.

平成20年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • Kweonhwan Hwang, Eeding Wong and Kohei Komatsu: Flexural, in-plane shear and nail shear properties of falcataria-rubberwood laminated veneer board for flooring, Holzforschung, Vol.62, pp.731-736, 2008
  • Ivon Hassel, Pierre Berard and Kohei Komatsu : Development of wooden blocks’ shear wall -Improvement of stiffness by utilizing elements of densified wood - Holzforschung, 62(5), 584-590, 2008
  • Shanks J D, Wen-Shao Chang, Kohei Komatsu : Experimental study on mechanical performance of all-softwood pegged mortice and tenon connections, Biosystems Engineering (2008), doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2008.03.012
  • 小松幸平、片岡靖夫、森拓郎、瀧野眞二郎、鄭 基浩、北守顕久、白鳥武、南宗和:提案住宅のコンセプトと構造性能の概要 -自然素材活用型木造軸組構造の開発(その1)- 、日本建築学会技術報告集 第14巻第28号,447-452,2008年10月
  • Kiho Jung, Akihisa Kitamori and Kohei Komatsu:Evaluation on structural performance of compressed wood as shear dowel, Holzforschung, Vol. 62, pp. 461–467, 2008
  • Z.W.Guan, A. Kitamori and K. Komatsu:Experimental study and finite element modelling of Japanese “Nuki” joints — Part one: Initial stress states subjected to different wedge configurations, Engineering Structures 30, 2032–2040,2008
  • Z.W. Guan, A. Kitamori and K. Komatsu:Experimental study and finite element modelling of Japanese “Nuki” joints — Part two: Racking resistance subjected to different wedge configurations, Engineering Structures 30, 2041–2049, 2008
  • 中谷 誠、森 拓郎、小松幸平:ラグスクリューボルトと特殊金物を用いた木質ラーメン構造の柱―梁接合部に関する研究、日本建築学会構造系論文集、第73巻、第626号、599-606、2008
  • Makoto Nakatani, Takuro Mori, Kohei Komatsu:Study on the Beam-Column Joint of Timber Frame Structures using Lagscrewbolts and Special Connectors, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, Transactions of AIJ, No.626, 599-606, 2008. (in Japanese) (2008.4.30issued)
  • 小松幸平、瀧野真二郎、森 拓郎、伊東洋路、片岡良二:合板釘打ち有開口耐力壁並びに垂れ壁付き門型架構の水平せん断性能に関する研究、構造工学論文集、Vol.54B、119-128、2008
  • Takeshi Shiratori, Kohei Komatsu, Adrian Leijten :Modified traditional Japanese timber joint system with retrofitting abilities, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Published Online: Feb 8 2008 1:18PM,DOI: 10.1002/stc.240


平成20年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Atsushi Tabuchi, Yoshihiro Murata, Takuro Mori and Kohei Komatsu : “Development of an Aesthetic and Strong Shear Wall using Kitayama-maruta Logs”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.440 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Yasunobu Noda, Takuro Mori and Kohei Komatsu : “Experimental Study on the Moment Transmitting Performance of Large Finger Joint”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.437 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Makoto Nakatani, Takuro Mori and Kohei Komatsu : “Design method for Moment-Resisting Joint Composed by Multiple Lagscrewbolts”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.435 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008
  • Shigeaki Kawahara, Takushi Nakashima, Takeshi Shimizu, Makoto Nakatani, Takuro Mori and Kohei Komatsu : “Introduction of Joint System and Timber Constructions Composed of Lagscrewbolt (LSB)”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.425 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008. 
  • Kiho Jung, Akihisa Kitamori, Munekazu Minami and Kohei Komatsu : “Development of Joint System using by Compressed Wooden Fastener”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.304 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Maryoko Hadi, Bambang Subiyanto, Anita Firmanti and Kohei Komatsu : “The Braced Frame Shear Wall made of Acacia Mangium Fastened by nails for Anti-Seismic Wooden House”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.270 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Satoru Murakami, Tomihiko Tamaoka, Hidenobu Kadowaki and Kohei Komatsu : “The Improvement of Single-braced Shear Wall System”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.262 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Takuro Mori, Makoto Nakatani, Shigeaki Kawahara, Takeshi Shimizu and Kohei Komatsu : “Influence of the Number of Fastener on Tensile Strength of Lagscrewbolted Glulam Joint”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.197 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Kohei Komatsu, Mitsushi Akagi, Chiori Kawai, Takuro Mori, Shingo Hattori and Kiyoshi Hosokawa : “Improved Column-Beam Joint in Glulam Semi-Rigid Portal Frame”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.185 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Ying H. Chui, Kohei Komatsu, Kiho Jung, Yasunobu Noda, Yoshinori Ohashi and Masahiko Toda : “Reinforcement of wood I-joists with natural fibers”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.175 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Munekazu Minami and Kohei Komatsu: “Improvement of Shear Resistance on Traditional Lattice Shear Wall”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, paper.124 (CD-ROM), Miyazaki, June 2-5, 2008.
  • Kohei Komatsu : “Research and Developments for Enhancing Seismic Performance of Wooden Dwelling Houses in Recent Japan”, 73rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere - RISH-LAPAN-LIPI International Symposium, Science for Sustainable Humanosphere, International Collaborative Programs in Indonesia, LAPAN, Bandung, Indonesia, July 25, 2007
  • 小松幸平:“木造ラーメン構造の魅力”、生存圏研究、No.3、11-17、(2007).
  • 小松幸平:「木造超長期住宅を目標とした自然素材活用型木質構造の提案」、京都大学大学院農学研究科森林科学専攻・生存圏研究所 共催 公開講座「森が拓く未来」、平成20年10月25日(土)、26日(日)


平成21年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • 北守顕久、鄭 基浩、南 宗和、小松幸平:相欠き格子耐力壁の剛性算定に係わる隙間の影響評価-長期的試験における検証-、構造工学論文集、 55B、109-116、2009. H21度業績
  • Jung Kiho, Akihisa Kitamori, Kohei Komatsu : Development of a joint system using a compressed wooden fastener I: evaluation of pull-out and rotation performance for a column-sill joint, Journal of Wood Science, 55(4), 273-282, 2009.
  • 村上 了、玉岡富彦、門脇秀伸、小松幸平:押し引き両荷重に対し同等の性能を発揮する片筋違いの開発、日本建築学会技術報告集 第30号、p.421-426、2009.
  • 南 宗和、北守顕久、鄭 基浩、小松幸平:杉厚板を用いた「あらわし床」における床構面性能、日本建築学会構造系論文集、第74巻 第644号、1785-1794、2009.
  • Takeshi Shiratori, A.J.M. Leijten and Kohei Komatsu:The structural behaviour of a pre-stressed column beam connection as an alternative to the traditional timber joint system, Engineering Structures, 31, 2526-2533, 2009.
  • 清水秀丸、森 拓郎、村瀬伸吾、立花和樹、五十田 博、小松幸平、吉川盛一、福田康彦:新築木造住宅の重量算定-実大試験体を用いた重量計測-、日本建築学会技術報告集、第15巻、第29号、115-120、2009.
  • 北守顕久, 森 拓郎, 片岡靖夫, 小松幸平: "木材の部分横圧縮における余長効果の影響 支持条件における違いの検討", 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 74(642), 1477-1485, 2009.
  • 森 拓郎、中谷 誠、小松幸平:雄ネジタイプのラグスクリューボルトを用いた一方向ラーメンフレームの開発、構造工学論文集、Vol.55B、213-218、2009.
  • 中田 欣作、小松 幸平: 強化LVL接合板および接合ピンを用いた木質構造フレームの開発(第3報)柱梁強化LVL接合と柱脚金物接合による門型ラーメン架構の性能、木材学会誌 Vol. 55, No.4, 207-216 (2009).
  • 中田 欣作、小松 幸平: 強化LVL接合板および接合ピンを用いた木質構造フレームの開発(第2報)モーメント抵抗接合としての強化LVL接合の特性、木材学会誌 Vol. 55, No. 3, 155-162 (2009).
  • Wen-Shao Chang, Jonathan Shanks, Akihisa Kitamori and Kohei Komatsu: The structural behaviour of timber joints subjected to bi-axial bending, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 38, pp.739–757, 2009.


平成21年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Ivón Hassel, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Kohei Komatsu : Shear Performance of Prefabricated Japanese Mud Wall Units – Superficial Fissure Growth Evaluation Using DSP, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2009), 6-9 September 2009, Bath, UK
  • Takuro Mori, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Munekazu Minami, and Kohei Komatsu : Enhancing The Bending Stiffness of A Compound Timber Beam Using A Pin-Keyed Joint, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2009), 6-9 September 2009, Bath, UK
  • Kohei Komatsu, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung and Takuro Mori: Estimation of The Mechanical Properties of Mud Shear Walls Subjecting to Lateral Shear Force, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2009), 6-9 September 2009, Bath, UK
  • Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Kohei Komatsu : Utilization of Compressed Wood as Mechanical Fasteners of Friction Joints in Timber Buildings, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2009), 6-9 September 2009, Bath, UK
  • Kiho Jung, Satoru Murakami, Akihisa Kitamori, Kohei Komatsu:Improvement of Glued In Rod (Gir) Joint System Using Compressed Wooden Dowel, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2009), 6-9 September 2009, Bath, UK


平成22年度 関係業績: 

  • Takeshi Shiratori, Adrian J. M Leijten and Kohei Komatsu: Optimisation of Pre/post Stressed Embedment-Type Timber Joint, Structures and Buildings, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), doi: 10.1680/stbu.9.00070, 2011.
  • Maryoko Hadi, Satoru Murakami, Akihisa Kitamori, Wen-Shao Chang and Kohei Komatsu : Performance of Shear Wall Composed of LVL and Cement Fiber Board Sheathing, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, vol.9 No.2 November, 463-469, 2010.
  • Buan Anshari, Zhongwei Guan, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Ivon Hassel and Kohei Komatsu: Mechanical and Moisture-Dependent Swelling Properties of Compressed Japanese Cedar, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.25, 1718-1725, 2010.
  • Kohei Komatsu : Analyses on Though-Bolts Type Wooden Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Rotational Moment, WOOD RESEARCH Journal-Journal of Indonesian Wood Research Society, Volume 1, Number 1, 13-22, April 2010.
  • 鄭 基浩,北守顕久,Ivon HASSEL,小松幸平:プレファブ型土壁の水平せん断性能の評価, 日本建築学会技術報告集,第34号, 929-934, 2010.
  • 景山 誠、村上 雅英、小松 幸平:曲げモーメントとせん断力の複合応力を受ける木質ラーメン接合部の構造性能評価法に関する研究、日本建築学会構造系論文集、75(647)、165-173、2010.
  • 北守 顕久、鄭 基浩、森 拓郎、小松 幸平:圧縮木材の力学的性質の圧縮率依存性、木材学会誌、56(2) 、67-78、2010.
  • Jung Kiho, Akihisa Kitamori, Kohei Komatsu : Development of a joint system using a compressed wooden fastener Ⅱ: evaluation of rotation performance for a column-beam joint, Journal of Wood Science, 56(2), 118-126, 2010.


平成22年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Satoru Murakami, Kiho Jung, Akihisa Kitamori, Kohei Komatsu : Study for Bearing Performance Reinforced by Screws, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 621, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Atsushi Tabuchi, Takuro Mori, Satoru Murakami, Kohei komatsu : An Effct of Lapped Length Of Kanawa-Tsugi Connection On A Bending Performance As A Jpanese Traditional Connection, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 460, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Wen-Shao Chang, Kohei Komatsu : Experiment On Traditional Timber Connections Subjected To Bi-Axial Bending, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 829, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Buan Anshari, Zhongwei Guan, Kohei Komatsu : Finite Element Modeling Of The Pre-Camber Of Glulam Beams Reinforced By Compressed Wood, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 366, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Zhongwei Guan, Kohei Komatsu, Kiho Jung and Akihisa Kitamori : Structural Characteristics Of Beam-Column Connections Using Compressed Wood Dowels And Plates, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 324, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Yasunobu Noda, Naoyuki Furuta, Kohei Komatsu : Development Of Compressed Cross-Lapped Corner Members For Rigid Frames, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 471, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Ivon Hassel, WenShao Chang, Kohei Komatsu, Yoshiyuki Suzuki : Mechanical Analysis Of Lateral Loading Behaviour On Japanese Traditional Frame Structure Depending On The Vertical Load, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 698, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Buan Anshari, Zhongwei Guan, Kohei Komatsu, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung : Explore Novel Ways To Strengthen Glulam Beams By Using Compressed Japanese Cedar, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 365, (CD-ROM) , June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy,2010.
  • Takuro Mori, Munekazu Minami, Kiho Jung, Akihisa Kitamori, Kohei Komatsu: Development Of Reinforce Method For Bending Stiffness Of Compound Beam Using Pin-Keyed Joint, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 560, (CD-ROM), June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.
  • Kohei Komatsu, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung and Takuro Mori : Prediction Of Non-Linear Load-Deformation Curves Of Various Types Of Mud Shear Walls Subjected To Lateral Shear Force, Proceedings of WCTE2010, Paper ID 557, (CD-ROM), June 20-24, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2010.

平成23年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • Buan Anshari, Zhongwei Guan, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung and Kohei Komatsu: Structural behaviour of glued laminated timber beams pre-stressed by compressed wood, Construction and Building Materials 29, 24–32, 2012
  • Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu and Kohei Komatsu:A new proposal to reinforce planked timber shear walls, Journal of Wood Science, 57(6), 493-500, 2011
  • Takeshi Shiratori, Adrian J. M Leijten and Kohei Komatsu :Optimisation of Pre/post Stressed Embedment-Type Timber Joint, Structures and Buildings, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil  Engineers (UK), doi: 10.1680/stbu.9.00070, 2011.


平成23年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Kohei Komatsu and Akihisa Kitamori:Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Indonesia Wood Research Society, "Static and Dynamic Properties of Portal Frames  Composed of Built-Up Sawn Square Timber", November 3-4, Yokuyakarta, Indonesia, 2011.
  • Kohei Komatsu:Leynote Lecture at the 3rd International Symposium of Indonesia Wood Research Society, "Utilization of Low Grade Timber to Engineered Wood Products (EWP) and Current Situation of Large Scale Timber Structures made of EWP", November 3-4, Yokuyakarta, Indonesia, 2011..
