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所   属: 生存圏研究所 教授 
基幹研究: イニシアティブ1 「環境・技術・制度の長期ダイナミクス研究」
研究課題: 先端技術を取り入れた地域の物質・エネルギー循環の再生・活性化


  1. 宇宙プラズマ環境の研究
  2. 宇宙太陽発電所によるエネルギー対策
  3. 生存圏のシミュレーション解析



  • Y. Omura, N. Furuya, D. Summers, Relativistic turning acceleration of resonant electrons by coherent whistler-mode waves in a dipole magnetic field, Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, A06236, doi:10.1029/2006JA012243, 2007.
  • T. Kimura, Y. Omura, and H.i Matsumoto, Impacts of Oil Production Decline on Japanese Food Supply, - Prospects toward sustainable human societies -, Solar Energy, Vol. 31, No. 2, 45-49, 2005.


平成19年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • Tsubouch, K., Omura, Y., Long-term occurrence probabilities of intense geomagnetic storm events, Space Weather, 5, S12003, doi:10.1029/2007SW000329, 2007.
  • Omura Y., Katoh,Y., Summers, D., Theory and simulation of the generation of whistler-mode chorus, Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.
  • Furuya, N., Omura, Y., Summers, D., Relativistic turning acceleration of radiation belt electrons by whistler-mode chorus, Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.
  • Computer simulation of chorus wave generation in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere, Y. Katoh and Y. Omura, Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 34, L03102, doi:10.1029/2006GL028594, 2007.
  • Relativistic turning acceleration of resonant electrons by coherent whistler-mode waves in a dipole magnetic field, Y. Omura, N. Furuya, D. Summers, Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, A06236, doi:10.1029/2006JA012243, 2007.
  • Relativistic particle acceleration in the process of whistler-mode chorus wave generation, Y. Katoh and Y. Omura, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L13102, doi:10.1029/2007GL029758, 2007.
  • One-dimensional Electromagnetic Particle Code: KEMPO1, Y. Omura, Advanced Methods for Space Simulations, edited by H. Usui and Y. Omura, Terra Pub, pp.1?21, 2007.
  • Energetic particle parallel diffusion in a cascading wave turbulence in the foreshock region, F. Otsuka, Y. Omura, and O. Verkhoglyadova, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., Vol. 14, pp. 587?601, 2007.
  • Turbulent acceleration of superthermal electrons, C.-M. Ryua, T. Rhee, T. Umeda, P. H. Yoon, Y. Omura, Physics of Plasmas 14, 100701, 2007.
  • Ultra-relativistic acceleration of electrons in planetary magnetospheres, D. Summers and Y. Omura, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24205, doi:10.1029/2007GL032226, 2007.
  • Long-term occurrence probabilities of intense geomagnetic storm events, K. Tsubouchi and Y. Omura, Space Weather, 5, S12003, doi:10.1029/2007SW000329, 2007.


平成19年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Omura, Y., N. Furuya, D. Summers, Theory and simulations on whistler-mode chorus generation and relativistic electron acceleration in the radiation belts, Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI) 2007, Ottawa, Canada, 22- 26 July 2007.
  • Omura, Y., Y. Katoh, N. Furuya, D. Summers, Simulations of chorus waves and accelerations of electrons to relativistic energie, International Symposium on Radio Systems and Space Plasma (ISRSSP), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2-5 September 2007.


平成20年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • Theory and simulation of the generation of whistler-mode chorus, Y. Omura, Y. Katoh, and D. Summers, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 113, A04223, doi:10.1029/2007JA012622, 2008.
  • Theory and simulation of the generation of whistler-mode chorus, Y. Omura, Y. Katoh, and D. Summers, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 113, A04223, doi:10.1029/2007JA012622, 2008.
  • Relativistic turning acceleration of radiation belt electrons by whistler mode chorus, N. Furuya, Y. Omura, and D. Summers, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 113, A04224, doi:10.1029/2007JA012478, 2008.
  • Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell simulation on the impedance of a dipole antenna surrounded by an ion sheath, Miyake, Y., H. Usui, H. Kojima, Y. Omura, and H. Matsumoto, Radio Sci., 43, RS3004, doi:10.1029/2007RS003707, 2008
  • Spacecraft Plasma Environment Analysis via Large Scale 3D Plasma Particle Simulation, M. Okada, H. Usui, Y. Omura, H. O. Ueda, T. Murata and T. Sugiyama, High-Performance Computing,, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Volume 4759/2008 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-77704-5, pp. 383-392, 2008.
  • Orbital Dynamics of Solar Sails for Geomagnetic Tail Exploration, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, T. Oyama, H. Yamakawa, and Y. Omura, vol.45, no. 2, 2008
  • Full particle simulation of whistler-mode rising 1 chorus emissions in the magnetosphere, M. Hikishima, S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, and I. Nagano, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A01203, doi:10.1029/2008JA013625, 2009
  • Rapid energization of radiation belt electrons by nonlinear wave trapping, Y. Katoh, Y. Omura, D. Summers, Ann. Geophys., 26, 3451-3456, 2008.
  • Simultaneous Satellite Observations of VLF Chorus, Hot and Relativistic Electrons in a Magnetic Storm“Recovery”, Phase, Y. Kasahara, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Omura, O.P. Verkhoglyadova3, I. Nagano, I. Kimura, and B. T. Tsurutani,Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01106, doi:10.1029/2008GL036454, 2009.


平成20年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Y. Omura and D.Summers, "Relativistic Electron Acceleration by Whistler-mode Chorus Emissions Associated with Substorms", Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2008, Busan, Korea, 16-20 June 2008.
  • Y. Omura, Nonlinear wave growth theory of whistler-mode chorus emissions induced by substorms, 37th Committee on Space Research(COSPAR) Scientific Assembly Montreal, Canada, 13-20 July 2008.
  • Y. Omura, Theory and simulation of the generation of whistler-mode chorus emissions, 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, Hungary, 15-20 September 2008.


平成21年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • M. Hikishima, S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, and I. Nagano, “Full particle simulation of whistler-mode rising chorus emissions in the magnetosphere”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A01203, doi:10.1029/2008JA013625, 2009.
  • Y. Kasahara, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Omura, O.P. Verkhoglyadova, I. Nagano, I. Kimura, and B. T. Tsurutani, “Simultaneous Satellite Observations of VLF Chorus, Hot and Relativistic Electrons in a Magnetic Storm “Recovery” Phase”, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01106, doi:10.1029/2008GL036454, 2009.
  • O. P. Verkhoglyadova, B. T. Tsurutani, Y. Omura, and S. Yagitani, “Properties of dayside nonlinear rising tone chorus emissions at large L observed by GEOTAIL”, Earth Planets Space, 61, 625-628, 2009.
  • Y. Omura, , M. Hikishima, Y. Katoh, D. Summers, and S. Yagitani, “Nonlinear mechanisms of lower band and upper band VLF chorus emissions in the magnetosphere”, Journal Geophysical Research, 114, A07217, doi:10.1029/2009JA014206, 2009
  • M. Hikishima, S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, and I. Nagano, “Coherent nonlinear scattering of energetic electrons in the process of whistler-mode chorus generation”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A10205, doi:10.1029/2009JA014371, 2009.
  • M. Shoji, Y. Omura, B. T. Tsurutani, O. P. Verkhoglyadova, and B. Lembege, “Mirror instability and L-mode electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability: competition in the Earth's magnetosheath”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A10203, doi:10.1029/2008JA014038, 2009.
  • H. Fukuhara, H. Kojima, Y. Ueda, Y. Omura, Y. Katoh, and H. Yamakawa, “A new instrument for the study of wave-particle interactions in space: One-chipWave-Particle Interaction Analyzer”, Earth Planets Space, 61, 765-778, 2009.
  • H. Nakashima, Y. Miyake, H. Usui, Y. Omura, “OhHelp: A Scalable Domain-Decomposing Dynamic Load Balancing for Particle-in-Cell Simulations”, International Conference on Supercomputing, June 8-12, 2009, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. 2009.
  • K. H. Lee, Y. Omura, L. C. Lee, and C. S. Wu, “Nonlinear saturation of cyclotron maser instability associated with energetic ring-beam electrons”, Physical Review Letters, 103, 105101, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.105101, 2009.


平成21年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • Y. Omura, “Nonlinear particle dynamics associated with electrostatic solitary waves and whistler-mode chorus emissions in the magnetosphere”, 17th Cluster Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 2009.5.12-15
  • Y. Omura, “Theory and simulations of nonlinear whistler-mode chorus waves in the magnetosphere”, Modern Challenges in Nonlinear Plasma Physics, A Conference honoring the Career of Dennis Papadopoulos, Sani Resort, Halkidiki, 2009.6.15-19
  • Yoshiharu OMURA, Mitsuru HIKISHIMA, Yuto KATOH, Danny SUMMERS, Satoshi YAGITANI, “Nonlinear Mechanisms of Lower Band and Upper Band VLF Chorus Emissions in the Magnetosphere”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2009.8.11-15
  • Masafumi SHOJI, Yoshiharu OMURA, “Coalescence of Mirror Mode Structures: Nonlinear Particle Motion in the Magnetic Structures”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2009.8.11-15
  • Yoshiharu Omura, “Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in the Magnetosphere”(Meeting Room 301, 14:45 - 15:30, 12 August, 2009) (基調講演), Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2009.8.11-15
  • Yoshiharu Omura, “Theory and simulations of nonlinear whistler-mode chorus waves in the radiation belts”, WCU International Workshop, Jeju, Korea, 2009.10.26-28
  • Yoshiharu Omura, Mitsuru Hikishima, and Yuto Katoh, “Electromagnetic particle simulations of whistler-mode chorus emissions”, 2009 Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2009), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2009.12.15-19
  • Hikishima, M., S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, I. Nagano, “Coherent nonlinear scattering of energetic electrons in the process of whistler-mode chorus generation”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • Omura, Y., M. Hikishima, Y. Katoh, D. Summers, S. Yagitani, “Nonlinear mechanisms of lower band and upper band VLF chorus emissions in the magnetosphere”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • Katoh, Y. and Y. Omura, “Relationship between the frequency sweep rates and the wave amplitude in the generation process of whistler-mode chorus emissions”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • Masafumi Shoji and Yoshiharu Omura, “Coalescence of Mirror Mode Structures: Nonlinear Particle Motion in the Magnetic Structures”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • K. H. Lee, Y. Omura, L. C. Lee, and C. S. Wu, “Nonlinear saturation of cyclotron maser instability associated with energetic ring-beam electrons”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • Miyake, Y., H. Usui; and Y. Omura, “Development of Electromagnetic Spacecraft Environment Simulator (EMSES): application to the analysis of antenna-plasma interactions”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • Ghosh, S. S., Y. Omura, A. Sen, G. S. Lakhina, “Numerical analysis of electron acoustic dromions and its application for boundary layer waves”, The 9th International School for Space Simulations, Paris, 2009.7.3-10
  • Yuto KATOH, Yoshiharu OMURA, “Amplitude Dependence of Frequency Sweep-Rate of Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2009.8.11-15
  • Mitsuru HIKISHIMA, Satoshi YAGITANI, Yoshiharu OMURA, Isamu NAGANO, “Coherent Nonlinear Scattering of Energetic Electrons in the Process of Whistler-Mode Chorus Generation”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2009.8.11-15
  • Yoshiya KASAHARA, Akihiko MURO, Yoshitaka GOTO, Kozo HASHIMOTO, Yoshiharu OMURA, Atsushi KUMAMOTO, Takayuki ONO, Hideo TSUNAKAWA, “Electron Plasma Wave and Electron Density Profile Around the Moon Observed by KAGUYA LRS/WFC”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2009.8.11-15
  • Yoshiharu Omura, Mitsuru Hikishima, Yuto Katoh, Danny Summers, Satoshi Yagitani, “Nonlinear Mechanisms of lower band and upper band VLF chorus emissions in the magnetosphere”, 11th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Sopron, Hungary, 2009.8.23-30
  • Masafumi Shoji; Yoshiharu Omura, “Nonlinear Evolution of Mirror Mode Structures”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 大村善治; 疋島充; 加藤雄人; Summers Danny; 八木谷聡, “磁気赤道域における上側周波数帯コーラス放射の発生機構”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • Yuto Katoh; Yoshiharu Omura, “Study of the threshold of wave amplitude in generating chorus emissions”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 笠原禎也; 室晶彦; 後藤由貴; 西野真木; 橋本弘藏; 大村善治; 熊本篤志; 小野高幸; 綱川秀夫, “かぐやLRS/WFCで観測された月ウェイク境界領域の電子密度分布の非対称性”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 橋谷真紀; 橋本弘藏; 大村善治; 笠原禎也; 小嶋浩嗣; 綱川秀夫, “かぐや衛星で観測される静電孤立波(ESW)に関する研究”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 吉川真登; 大村善治, “内部磁気圏におけるホイッスラーモード・コーラス波によるサイクロトロン共鳴電子加速”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • Mitsuru Hikishima; Yoshiharu Omura, “Formation of pancake distribution of electrons through nonlinear trapping by chorus emissions”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 広野哲也; 三宅壮聡; 大村善治; 小嶋浩嗣, “ビーム不安定性からの低周波波動励起に関する粒子シミュレーション”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 三宅洋平; 臼井英之; 大村善治; 中島浩, “衛星周辺プラズマ電磁環境解析のための粒子シミュレーション技法の開発と応用”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 堀江広貴; 笠原禎也; 後藤由貴; 井町智彦; 小嶋浩嗣; 橋本弘藏; 大村善治; 熊本篤志; 小野高幸; 綱川秀夫, “かぐや・WFC-L波形捕捉器で観測されたバイポーラ型パルス波形の解析”, 第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会・講演会(2009年 秋学会), 金沢大学, 2009.9.27-30
  • 大村善治, ”宇宙の音、コーラスの謎を解く”, 宇治キャンパス公開2009「生存圏研究所公開講演会」, 2009.10.24


平成22年度 関係業績:

  • Mitsuru Hikishima, Yoshiharu Omura, and Danny Summers, Microburst precipitation of energetic electrons associated with chorus wave generation, Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 37, L07103, doi:10.1029/2010GL042678, 2010. (査読付き)
  • J. S. Pickett, B. Grison, Y. Omura, M. J. Engebretson, I. Dandouras, A. Masson, M. L. Adrian, O. Santolik, P. M. E. Decreau, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, and D. Constantinescu, Cluster observations of EMIC triggered emissions in association with Pc1 waves near Earth’s plasmapause, Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 37, L09104, doi:10.1029/2010GL042648, 2010. (査読付き)
  • M. N. Nishino, M. Fujimoto, Y. Saito, S. Yokota, Y. Kasahara, Y. Omura, Y. Goto, K. Hashimoto, A. Kumamoto, T. Ono, H. Tsunakawa, M. Matsushima, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu and T. Terasawa, Effect of the solar wind proton entry into the deepest lunar wake, Geophysical Research Letters, 2010. (査読付き)
  • Yoshiharu Omura, Jolene Pickett, Benjamin Grison, Ondrej Santolik, Iannis Dandouras, Mark Engebretson, Pierrette M. E. Décréau, and Arnaud Masson, Theory and observation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron triggeredemissions in the magnetosphere, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, A07234, doi:10.1029/2010JA015300, 2010.(査読付き)
  • K. Hashimoto, M. Hashitani, Y. Kasahara, Y. Omura, M. N. Nishino, Y. Saito, S. Yokota, T. Ono, H. Tsunakawa, H. Shibuya, M. Matsushima, H. Shimizu,and F. Takahashi, Electrostatic solitary waves associated with magnetic anomalies and wake boundary of the Moon observed by KAGUYA, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 37, L19204, doi:10.1029/2010GL044529, 2010. (査読付き)
  • Mitsuru Hikishima, Yoshiharu Omura, and Danny Summers, Self-consistent particle simulation of whistler mode triggered emissions, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, A12246, doi:10.1029/2010JA015860, 2010(査読付き)


平成22年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • 大村 善治, ホイッスラーモード・コーラス放射による相対論的電子加速 P-EM028(3学会合同プラズマ宇宙物理-1), 日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会, 2010/5/23, 幕張メッセ国際会議場
  • 大村 善治, 磁気圏におけるホイッスラーモード波およびEMIC波のコーラス放射の非線形理論 P-EM021(宇宙天気), 日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会, 2010/5/25, 幕張メッセ国際会議場
  • Omura, Y., Pickett, J., Grison, B., Santolik, O., Dandouras, I., Engebretson, M., Decreau, P M., Masson, A., Theory and observation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron chorus emissions in the magnetosphere , Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting 2010, 2010/6/22-25, 台北(台湾)
  • Yoshiharu Omura, Jolene Pickett, Benjamin Grison, et al., Theory and Observation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Triggered Emissions in the Magnetosphere, 7th AOGS Meeting, 2010/7/5-9, Hyderabad, India
  • Yoshiharu Omura, Theory and Simulations of VLF Chorus Emissions, 7th AOGS Meeting, 2010/7/5-9, Hyderabad, India
  • Yoshiharu Omura, Theory and Simulations of Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions in the Magnetosphere (Session H), ISRSSP 2010, 2010/8/25-27, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Y. Omura, M. Hikishima, D. Summers, Theory and Simulations of VLF Triggered Emissions, 4th VERSIM Workshop, 2010/9/13-17, Prague, Czech
  • Y. Omura, Plasma Waves and High Energy Particles in the Earth's Radiation Belts, AP-RASC'10, 2010/9/22-26, Toyama, Japan
  • Y. Omura, J. Pickett, B. Grison, O. Santolik, I. Dandouras, M. Engebretson, P. M. E. Decreau, Theory and Observation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Triggered Emissions in the Magnetosphere, AP-RASC'10, 2010/9/22-26, Toyama, Japan
  • Y. Omura, Theory and Simulations on Whistler-mode and EMIC Triggered Emissions, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, 2010/12/13-17, San Francisco, USA


平成23年度 G-COE関係業績:

  • Yoshiharu Omura and David Nunn, Triggering process of whistler mode chorus emissionsin the magnetosphere, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, A05205,10PP. doi:10.1029/2010JA016280, published 11 May 2011.
  • Yuto Katoh and Yoshiharu Omura, Amplitude dependence of frequency sweep rates of whistler mode chorus emissions, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, A07201, doi:10.1029/2011JA016496, 2011, published 2 July 2011
  • Masafumi Shoji, Yoshiharu Omura, Benjamin Grison, Jolene Pickett, Iannis Dandouras, and Mark Engebretson, Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the helium branch induced by multiple electromagnetic ion cyclotron triggered emissions, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 38, L17102, doi:10.1029/2011GL048427, 2011/09
  • K. H. Lee, Y. Omura, and L. C. Lee1, A 2D simulation study of Langmuir, whistler, and cyclotron maser instabilities induced by an electron ring-beam distribution and L. C. Lee Citation: Phys. Plasmas 18, 092110 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3626562,, 2011
  • Danny Summers, Rongxin Tang, and Yoshiharu Omura, Effects of nonlinear wave growth on extreme radiation belt electron fluxes, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, A10226, doi:10.1029/2011JA016602, 2011


平成23年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):

  • 大村 善治,ホイッスラーモード波およびEMIC波のトリガード・エミッション, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会,5/26, 幕張メッセ国際会議場, 22-27 May, 2011
  • 杉山 肇、大村 善治、小嶋 浩嗣 他, 月周辺における静電孤立波の発生原因に関するデータ解析, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 5/22, 幕張メッセ国際会議場, 22-27 May, 2011
  • 小路 真史,大村 善治,Lee Lou-Chuang, 3次元モデルにおける非線形ミラーモード磁場構造, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 5/24, 幕張メッセ国際会議場, 22-27 May, 2011
  • 小路 真史,大村 善治, 地球内部磁気圏における電磁イオンサイクロトロントリガード放射のシミュレーション, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 5/27, 幕張メッセ国際会議, 22-27 May, 2011
  • 疋島 充,大村 善治,Summers Danny, ホイスラーモード・トリガード放射に関する計算機実験, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 5/27, 幕張メッセ国際会議場, 22-27 May, 2011
  • 招待講演, Yoshiharu Omura, Formation process of relativistic electron flux through interaction with chorus emissions in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere(INVITED), AGU Chapman Conference on Dynamics of the Earth’s Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 2011, 17-22, July, 2011
  • 招待講演, Yoshiharu Omura, Particle Simulations of Whistler-mode Chorus and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves (Invited), 10th International School for Space Simulations (ISSS-10), Banff, Canada. July 25-30, 2011
  • 招待講演, Yoshiharu Omura, H02.4 NONLINEAR MIRROR MODE STRUCTURES IN MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS, URSI xxx General Assembly Istanbul, Turky, 15-Aug-11
  • Y. Omura, D. Nunn, H03.5 TRIGGERING PROCESS OF WHISTLER-MODE CHORUS EMISSIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE, URSI xxx General Assembly, Istanbul, Turky, 16, August, 2011
  • M. N. Nishino, Y. Saito, Y. Kasahara, Y. Omura, K. Hashimoto, T. Ono, H. Tsunakawa, F. Takahashi, M. Fujimoto, WAVE EXCITATION IN THE LUNAR WAKE ASSOCIATED WITH SOLAR-WIND PROTON ENTRY, URSI xxx General Assembly, Istanbul, Turky, 19, August, 2011
  • K. Hashimoto, M. Hashitani, Y. Omura, Y. Kasahara, H. Kojima, T. Ono, H. Tsunakawa, ELECTROSTATIC SOLITARY WAVES (ESWS) OBSERVED BY KAGUYA NEAR THE MOON, URSI xxx General Assembly, Istanbul, Turky, 19, August, 2011
  • Y. Kasahara, S. Kitaguchi, Y. Goto, K. Hashimoto,Y. Omura, H. Kojima, PLASMA WAVES RELATED TO MINI-MAGNETOSPHERES OVER LUNAR MAGNETIC ANOMALIES OBSERVED BY LRS/WFC ONBOARD KAGUYA, URSI xxx General Assembly, Istanbul, Turky, 19, August, 2011
  • 招待講演, Yoshiharu Omura, Nonlinear processes of whistler-mode chorus emissions and associated acceleration of relativistic electrons in the radiation belts, MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Cambridge, USA, 2011, 13,09
  • 招待講演, Yoshiharu Omura, Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Space Plasmas, Boston University, Boston, USA, 2011, 15,09
  • 橋本 弘藏, 橋谷 真紀, 大村 善治, 笠原 禎也, 小嶋 浩嗣, 小野 高幸, 綱川 秀夫, かぐやのモノポールアンテナで観測された月周辺静電孤立波(ESW)の解析, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月3日,2011年
  • 片山 由美子, 小嶋 浩嗣, 斎藤 義文, 笠原 禎也, 大村 善治, 橋本 弘藏, 小野 高幸, 横田 勝一郎, 西野 真木, 綱川 秀夫, 月周辺で観測される電子サイクロトロン高調波, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月3日,2011年
  • 小路 真史, 大村 善治, Grison Benjamin, Pickett Jolene, Dandouras Iannis, Engebretson Mark, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Helium Branch Induced by Multiple Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Triggered Emissions, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会)神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月3日,2011年
  • 大村 善治, Summers Danny, 疋島 充 " 内部磁気圏におけるホイッスラーモード・コーラス放射の飽和機構, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月3日,2011年
  • 森 晋作, 石坂 和大, 八木谷 聡, 大村 善治, 疋島 充,小嶋 浩嗣, GEOTAIL衛星により観測されたコーラスエミッションの振幅-周波数依存性の検証,地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月3日,2011年
  • 北原 理弘, 加藤 雄人, 小野 高幸,小嶋 浩嗣, 大村 善治, WPIA検討グループ 加藤雄人,コーラス放射生成過程に関する計算機実験結果のWPIA計測手法を用いた解析, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月4日,2011年
  • 加藤 雄人, 大村 善治, Amplitude dependence of the generation process of whistler-mode chorus emissions, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月4日,2011年
  • 疋島 充, 大村 善治,  Particle simulation of rising tone emissions triggered by waves with different amplitudes, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会), 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月5日,2011年
  • Zhao Qinghua, 大村 善治,地球放射線帯におけるEMIC波による相対論的電子のピッチ角散乱, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第130回総会及び講演会(2011年 秋学会)神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス, 11月5日,2011年
  • Shoko Kobayashi, Yoshiharu Omura, Kazadi Sanga-Ngoie, Ragil Widyorini, Shuichi Kawai, Banbang Supriadi, The potential of polarimetric L-band SAR image decomposition in esitmating tree volume over industrial plantation forests, 日本リモートセンシング学会、青森、2011年11月10日.
  • 招待講演, Yoshiharu Omura, Nonlinear processes of whistler-mode chorus emissions and associated acceleration of relativistic electrons in the radiation belts, 國立中央大學太空科學研究所, Jung-Li City, ROC. Taiwan, 2011, 11, Nov
