所 属: 生存圏研究所 准教授
基幹研究: イニシアティブ2 「人と自然の共生研究」
研究課題: 「人と自然の共生研究」
- 低環境負荷型木質系材料の長期耐用化処理
- シロアリの生態的特性に基づく環境調和型シロアリ管理
- 自自然エネルギー利用による省エネルギー住宅
- 角田邦夫、ムスリザル・ムイン:超臨界二酸化炭素を利用する木材および木質材料の保存処理、木材保存30(4): 144-148 (2004)
- K. Tsunoda:Improved management of termites to protect Japanese homes, Proc. 5th International Conference on Urban Pests, 33-37 (2005)
- K. Tsunoda:Transfer of fipronil, a nonrepellent termiticide, from exposed workers of Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Sociobiology 47(2): 563-576 (2006)
平成19年度 G-COE関係業績:
- Kubota, S., Shono, Y., Matsunaga, T., and Tsunoda, K. 2007 Response of the Subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) to Soil Treated with Microencapsulated Fenobucarb. Pest Management Science, 63: 1224-1229.
- Tsunoda, K., and Yoshimura, T. 2008 History of Termite Management by Soil Treatment with Chemicals - Why Were Uses of Chlordane Banned? Proc. of the 5th Conf. of the Pacific Rim Termite Research Group, 1-5.
- 角田邦夫 国際木材保存学会(The International Research Group on Wood Protection)、名誉終身会員(Honorary Life-Long Member)
平成19年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- Tsunoda, K., and Yoshimura, T. 2008 History of Termite Management by Soil Treatment with Chemicals - Why Were Uses of Chlordane Banned? The 5th Conf. of the Pacific Rim Termite Research Group, Bali (Indonesia), 3-4 March 2008.
平成20年度 G-COE関係業績:
平成20年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
平成21年度 G-COE関係業績:
- S. Kubota, H. Okamoto, N. Goto, N. Mito and K. Tsunoda 2009. Uptake of bait toxicant, bistrifluron, by foraging workers of Coptotermes formosanus (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). Sociobiology 53: 707-717
- N. Katsumata, K.Tsunoda, A.Toyoumi, T. Yoshimura and Y. Imamura 2008. Feeding preference of Coptotermes formosanus (Isdoptera: Rhinotermitidae) for gamma-irradiated wood impregnated with bezoylphenylurea compounds under laboratory conditions. Journal of Economic Entomology 101, 880-884.
- K. Nakai, T. Mitani, T. Yoshimura, N. Shinohara, K. Tsunoda and Y. Imamura 2009. Effects of microwave irradiation on the Drywood termite Incisitermes minor (Hagen). Jpn. J. Environ. Entomol, Zool. 20, 179-184.
平成21年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- Y. S.Hadi and K. Tsunoda 2010. Comparison of the Termite Test Methodology of Japanese and Indonesian National Standards. The 7th Termite Research Group Conference, March 1-2 March 2010, Singapore.
- A. Yamada, S. Saitoh, G. Tokuda, S. Fujii, Nobu Endo, E. Ueshima, Y. Tawa, M.Miyagi, H. Makiya, N. Shinzato, C.-Y.Lee and K. Tsunoda 2010. Genetic Diversity of the Formosan Subterranean Termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki in Relation to the Distribution of Staphylinid Termitophiles. The 7th Termite Research Group Conference, March 1-2 March 2010, Singapore.
- A.Yanagawa, F. Yokohari, K.Tsunoda, Y. Imamura and T. Yoshimura: Role of antennae in the detection of ambient humidity by the termite, Coptotermes formosanus. The 7th Termite Research Group Conference, March 1-2 March 2010, Singapore.
- 山田昌郎,角田邦夫,今村祐嗣 2010. 木材プラスチック成形複合材(WPC),耐水合板,プラスチック,ゴムの耐海虫性 -海中浸漬2年後の結果-. 第60回日本木材学会年次大会,2010年3月17日,宮崎.
- 丸 尚孝, 角田邦夫, 吉村 剛, 今村祐嗣2010. ベイト工法における誘引・滞留物質の検索. 第60回日本木材学会年次大会,2010年3月17日,宮崎.
平成22年度 関係業績:
- C. Tascioglul and K. Tsunoda 2010 Biological performance of copper azole-treated wood and wood-based composites. Holzforschung 64, 399–406.
- C. Tascioglul, and K. Tsunoda 2010 Laboratory evaluation of wood-based composites treated with alkaline copper quat against fungal and termite attacks. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64, 683-687.
- K. Tsunoda, G. Rosenblat and K. Dohi 2010 Laboratory evaluation of the resistance of plastics to subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus (Blattodea: Rrhinotermitidae). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64, 232-237.
- L. Lenz,, C.-Y. Lee, M. J. Lacey, T. Yoshimura and K. Tsunoda 2011.The potential and limits of termites (Isoptera) as decomposers of waste paper products J. Econ. Entomol. 104, 232-242 .
平成22年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):