所 属: 地域研究統合情報センター 教授
研究課題: Trans-Borderland Natural Resources Governance in Tropical Forests
- Natural resource policy; Forest policy; Latin American Studies
- W. de Jong, D. Donovan, A. Ken Ichi. 2006. Tropical forests and extreme conflicts. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer.
- W. de Jong, T.P. Lye and K. Abe, eds. 2006. The social ecology of tropical forests: Migration, population and frontiers. Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press, 2006.
平成19年度 G-COE関連業績
平成19年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
平成20年度 G-COE関連業績
平成20年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
平成21年度 G-COE関係業績:
- de Jong, W.. Forest rehabilitation and its implication for forestry transition theoryBiotropica, 42(1): 3–9.
- Pacheco, P., Wil de Jong, James Johnson. The evolution of the timber sector in lowland Bolivia: Examining the influence of three disparate policy approaches. Forest Policy and Economics, 12 271–276.
- Cronkleton, P.; M. A. Albornoz; G.Barnes; K. Evans; W. de Jong. Social geomatics: Participatory forest mapping to mediate resource conflict in the Bolivian Amazon. Human Ecology 38:65–76
- Evans, K. , W. de Jong, P. Cronkleton. Participatory methods for planning the future in forest communities. Society and Natural Resources 23 (7): 1-16, http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/68309_732447697_922399220.pdf.
- Pokorny, B. , C. Sabogal, W. de Jong, P. Pacheco. N. Porro, B. Loumann, D. Stoian. Challenges of community forestry in tropical America. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 303 (1) 53-66.
- Hoch, L. , B. Pokorny, W. de Jong. Do smallholders in the Amazon grow trees? International Forestry Review 11 (3) 1-12.
平成21年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- Wil De Jong, Transitions to Sustainable Forestry in Developed and Developing Countries: Resolving Challenges with Lessons from Europe and Asia. Seoul National University, South Korea. January 18-20, 2010. Co-organizer and presenter. Presentation title: Theoretical Framework for Analysis of Forest Transition.
平成22年度 関係業績:
- W. de Jong. Forest rehabilitation and its implication for forestry transition theory. 2010. Biotropica, 42(1): 3–9.
- Pacheco, Pablo, Wil de Jong, James Johnson. 2010. The evolution of the timber sector in lowland Bolivia: Examining the influence of three disparate policy approaches. Forest Policy and Economics, 12 271–276.
- Peter Cronkleton; Marco Antonio Albornoz; Grenville Barnes; Kristen Evans; Wil de Jong. 2010. Social geomatics: Participatory forest mapping to mediate resource conflict in the Bolivian Amazon. Human Ecology 38:65–76.
- K. Evans, W. de Jong, P. Cronkleton. 2010. Participatory methods for planning the future in forest communities. Society and Natural Resources 23 (7): 23: 604–619,
- B. Pokorny, C. Sabogal, W. de Jong, P. Pacheco. N. Porro, B. Loumann, D. Stoian. 2010. Challenges of community forestry in tropical America. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 303 (1) 53-66.
- Wil de Jong, Denyse Snelder, Noboru Ishikawa, eds. 2010. Transborder governance of forests, rivers and seas. Earthscan, London.
- Wil de Jong and Kristen Evans. 2010. Transnational natural resource governance in border regions. Chapter 1 in: Wil de Jong, Denyse Snelder, Noboru Ishikawa, ed. 2010. Transborder governance of forests, rivers and seas, pp 1-14. Earthscan, London .
- W. de Jong. 2010. Territorialization, regionalism and natural resource management in the Peruvian Amazon. Chapter 5 in: Wil de Jong, Denyse Snelder, Noboru Ishikawa, ed. 2010. Transborder governance of forests, rivers and seas, 67-82. Earthscan, London .
- W.de Jong, J.Borner, P.Pacheco, B.Pokorny, C.Sabogal, C.Benneker, W.Cano, C.Cornejo, K.Evans, S.Ruiz, M.Zenteno. 2010 Amazon Forests at the Crossroads: Pressures, Responses, and Challenges. Chapter 6.8 in: Alfaro, R., Kanninen, M., Lobovikov, M., Mery, G., Swallow, B., Varjo, J. (Eds.). Future of Forests – Responding to Global Changes, pp 283-298. World Forestry Society and Environment.
- W.de Jong B.Pokorny, C.Cornejo, P.Pacheco, D.Stoian, C.Sabogal B.Louman. 2010. Opportunities and Challenges for Community forestry: Lessons from Tropical America. Chapter 6.9 in: Alfaro, R., Kanninen, M., Lobovikov, M., Mery, G., Swallow, B., Varjo, J. (Eds.).Future of Forests – Responding to Global Changes, pp 299-314. World Forestry Society and Environment.
- M. Boissière, M. Sassen, D. Sheil, M. van Heist, W. de Jong, R. Cunliffe, M. Wan, M. Padmanaba, N. Liswanti, I. Basuki, K. Evans, P. Cronkleton, T. Lynam, P. Koponen, C. Bairaktari. 2010. Researching local perspectives on biodiversity: Lessons from ten case studies. In: Lawrence, A., ed. Taking stock of nature: participatory biodiversity assessment for policy planning and practice, pp 113-142. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
平成22年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- DE JONG, Wil Border regions: From national backwaters to golobal commons Presented at: Scaling of Governance. Towards a New Knowledge for Scale Sensitive Governance of Complex Systems. 2010年11月12日. Wageningen, Netherlands
- DE JONG, Wil. Strangers among trees. Territorialization and Forest Policies in the Bolivian Amazon. IUFRO World Congress 2010. 2010年8月28日, Seoul, South Korea