所 属:研究員(G-COE)
- Potential for using agro-forestry practices for the sustainable production of bio-fuel feedstock, food and other useful crops in one integrated natural resource management system
- Establishment of equitable community-company partnerships in the development of timber plantations, with special emphasis on the pulp and paper industry
- R. Kusumaningtyas, S. Kobayashi, and S. Takeda, 2006, Mixed species gardens in Java and the transmigration areas of Sumatra, Indonesia: a comparison. Journal of Tropical Agriculture. Volume 44, pp 15 - 22, 2006.
- Manurung, R. Kusumaningtyas, 1999. Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri di Indonesia (Industrial timber plantation development in Indonesia). Research-report published by WWF Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
平成19年度 G-COE関係業績:
平成19年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
平成20年度 G-COE関係業績:
- R. Kusumaningtyas, S. Kobayashi, and S. Takeda, 2008, The impact of local community agricultural practices on livelihood security and forest degradation around the Tesso Nilo national park in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. To be published on the up coming issue of TROPICS Vol 18.
平成20年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- R. Kusumaningtyas, Assessing the potential of different collaborative schemes for forest resource management of a timber plantation and local communities in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. International workshop on Research and Management Priority in Giam Siak – Bukit Batu Area (the “Riau Biosphere Reserve Project”), University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia February 20, 2009.
- R. Kusumaningtyas, Addressing the food-energy dilemma with a mixed species cultivation approach using sengon as bio-ethanol feedstock. The Second International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program; In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa; Biosphere as a Global Force of Change. Inamori Hall, 3rd Floor, CSEAS, Kyoto University. 9 – 11 March 2009.
- R. Kusumaningtyas, Presentation commenting on the presentations of guest speakers, Prof. Andre Faaij and Prof. Kinya Sakanishi, at the Second International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program; In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa; Biosphere as a Global Force of Change G-COE (Session 3), March 10, 2009.
平成21年度 G-COE関係業績:
- R. Kusumaningtyas, S. Kobayashi, and S. Takeda. 2009. The impact of local community agricultural practices and forest degradation around Tesso Nilo national park in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. TROPICS, Japanese Society for Tropical Ecology Journal, Vol. 18 (2); 45-55
- R. Kusumaningtyas and T. Hayashi. 2009. Addressing the food-energy dilemma with a mixed species cultivation approach using sengon as bio-ethanol feedstock. Poster publication at The Second International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa. March 10th, 2009.
平成21年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Assessing the potential of different collaborative schemes for forest resource management of a timber plantation and local communities in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. International workshop on Research and Management Priority in Giam Siak Bukit Batu Area. Pekanbaru. February 19th, 2009.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Between anticipation and apprehension; some remarks on the bio-fuel revolution from an Indonesian perspective. A commentary presentation on Session 3 : Bio-fuel as a Global Force of Change. The Second International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa. Inamori. March 10th, 2009.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Integrating local agroforestry with timber based bio-ethanol industry in Indonesia. A Brown-bag lecture at Tonantei, Center for Southeast Asian Studies. May 28th, 2009.
平成22年度 G-COE関係業績:
- R. Kusumaningtyas. 2010. The potential of agroforestry for timber-based ethanol production in Indonesia. Proceeding of the 60th Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society. Miyazaki, March 17-19, 2010.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Migration flows to greasy lands; the impact of commodity development and political changes on natural resource management in Riau province. Proceeding of the International Seminars ”Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Peat land Ecosystems”. Department of Biology Sciences, Riau University.
平成22年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- R. Kusumaningyas. Case study on practical scenarios for bio-ethanol development in Indonesia. Research progress presentation for New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization. Kawazaki, January 28th, 2010.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. The local community in the Indonesian Man and Biosphere Reserve; Lesson learned from a case study in timber based biomass production through agroforestry. International Workshop on the Sustainable Forestry Plantation at the Giam-Siak and Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau. Inamori. February 4th, 2010
- R. Kusumaningtyas. The potential of agroforestry for timber-based ethanol production in Indonesia. The 60th Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society. Miyazaki, March 17, 2010.
- • R. Kusumaningtyas. Why does Riau look as it does today? Some notes from Riau site on topics; changes in forest governance, commodity development (oil palm) and population increase. Research progress presentation. Inamori. August 10th, 2010.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. The impact of commodity development and political changes on natural resource management in Riau Province. International Seminars on Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Tropical Peat land Ecosystems. Department of Biology Sciences, Riau University. October 20th, 2010.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Migration flows to greasy lands; the impact of commodity development and political changes on natural resource management in Riau. Colloqium at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Inamori. November 25th, 2010.
平成23年度 G-COE関係業績:
- R. Kusumaningtyas. 2011. For better or for worse, more are coming every day; Economic development and migration flows to Riau Province, Sumatra. CSEAS Newsletter No. 63. Pp. 25-26.
- R. Kusumaningtyas and K.Mizuno. First draft of Chapter 3章 インドネシアにおける 土地政策と森林管理.
平成23年度 研究成果発表(口頭発表):
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Energy Trends and the Possibility for Bio-energy from Tropical Timber. The International Studium Generale of the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, West Java, Indonesia, May 14th, 2011.
- R. Kusumaningtyas. Internal migration stimulated by economic development in Indonesia. Brown bag lecture at the International Institute of Asian Studies, the Netherlands. July 11th, 2011.